Friday night at home and not debt free.

Well it’s Friday night and here I am here with the dog. I suppose I could go out, I had a message on my voicemail from Rob wanting me to come to the Tac Room but it’s like midnight now. I literally have no clean clothes to put on to go out in and he’s already trashed. That’s not much fun to show up shortly before closing time in dirty clothes being dead sober around a bunch of drunk people. I don’t feel much like drinking anymore anyway. Plus I just don’t have the cash to spare on booze right now. Gotta feed my gas guzzling truck and eat.

Today was supposed to be the day that I was debt free but you know how that goes. What’s another 2 or 3 weeks when the debt has been there for 10 or 11 years. Today I paid another $1400 more or less. I would have made it but I decided to get these new glasses and a new phone. I like the glasses and have gotten a lot of compliments on them. I got a used Treo 650 off of ebay that I am happy with also. The RAZR that I had just sucked. It didn’t get a signal anywhere that I was at and dropped calls all the time even when it had 2 bars. The new one seems to get a signal almost everywhere even in the bowels of the metal hangars at work and the calls don’t drop. Plus I really missed having the Palm Pilot features like having Pocket Quicken to keep track of my money when I am out and about during the day and all the other stuff to keep me organized. I would have to say that I am pretty unorganized most of the time and only remember the things I need to do when it’s not time to do them. People make fun of my dork phone but I like it so screw em.

Summer is hardly started and I am sick of the heat already. Yesterday the flashing welcome sign above the lobby said 103 degrees and it was hotter than that down on the concrete ramp. A severe storm came through though and the temp dropped 25 degrees in about 15 minutes and boy did that feel good. Today wasn’t as hot, I think it topped out at about 97 or so but it stayed in the 90s until the sun went down. Good thing it wasn’t extremely busy today and we got to stay in dispatch for a lot of that time. I’m so glad that at this time next year I will be on the night shift and don’t have to deal with the heat. I’ll take the cold out there any day even if I have to wear 4 layers of clothing.

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about when are we going to find the girl that we will marry. I think that I missed mine a few years back. She pretty much had all the qualities that I was looking for in a person. I would talk for hours with her and never get tired of her being around. I was pretty much goofy in love. Everyone knows what I’m talking about. It’s annoying to you when it isn’t you because your friend is acting so dumb and they don’t care. They are walking on clouds and oblivious to everything because they are so happy. After my divorce I pretty much was dead inside and didn’t think I could feel like that again. Skip to the present day and you find me endlessly looking for that feeling again and not being willing to settle for anything less. That feeling never comes though, just a parade of lying, thieving, stupid women who betray your trust at the drop of a hat. It’s easier to be dead inside than to deal with that pain again. It’s not like I’m pining away for that particular girl mind you. I accept the fact that that bridge is crossed and long behind me. I just never thought that the good qualities that she had as a person were so difficult to locate in others.

Theres a good paragraph to add to your psychological profile Joy.

That’s enough for today, need to get some sleep cause I’ve got lot’s of stuff to do tomorrow. Lot’s of homework and gotta prep for the move back to Millstone Rd.

3 thoughts on “Friday night at home and not debt free.”

  1. I must have missed that one…or forgot it…hmmm…um…well I guess that was a senior moment there…whatever…LOL

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