Full of Thanks

Greetings all. Well it’s Thanksgiving again. Has a whole year passed by all ready? It seems like yesterday I was sitting in my parents kitchen half crocked from Thanksgiving wine crying my eyes out to my mother about how I wanted to take the leaps of marriage and children and how I felt like my time had passed, wah wah wah. Oh my what a difference a year can make!

What do I have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving? If I listed it all out everyone I know would be puking the bliss of my thanks, so I’ll keep it short, kind of. I find myself in a place where I feel so at home and I’m thankful for that. Everyday I have a moment of wow. I might be simply putting away silverware and catch a glimpse of my wedding band and then, wow, I totally married the perfect man for me. It really happened. For so long I figured I’d be the “independent” one living the life of the footloose and fancy free. But I am supremely thankful to have this partner who is my other half. The “independent” life now seems so trite. I’ve never been so exited for my future and I’m very thankful for that.

And then another moment of wow might come along as I pull clothes out of the dryer and a bitty sock falls on the floor and, wow, I’m a mom. Me?! Everyday I fall more in love with that baby and thankful doesn’t even cover it. Alexander is the kiddo in charge right now and thankfully he doesn’t know it, when he starts catching on is when Steve and I will have to begin asserting our parental powers, ha. He is such a good baby, although I don’t have much to compare to. At two in a half months old he eats good, sleeps pretty good and makes me laugh every single day. Getting to know this boy of mine is a real treat. I’ve had two objectives since he was born, to keep him alive and happy – so far so good and so thankful.

I’m also supremely thankful that I have a job that I get winters off essentially. I’m thankful Alexander was born when he was so I can spend the first seven months of his life with him uninterrupted. I think the path I forged as “career seasonal” was all for this special time. I can be home during Alexander’s beginning months of life. And this time is precious, I’m thankful I am where I am at as a person to recognize this and savor it. I’m thankful my husband has as much respect for me hanging with our boy everyday as I have for him working his ass off in overtime to help make our future bright. I think he’s got the raw end of the deal quite honestly, but women definitely do have the right temperament to be around a baby day in and day out.

Everywhere I turn I’m thankful. Thankful for all the people in my life. Thankful I had such an amazing childhood, tumultuous teenage years, experimental twenties, and survived into my thirties to be where I’m at now. I’m thankful for my amazing parents and sister, I’m thankful for how our little Fleming family has grown into the Wassons and Korgies. I’m thankful on top of thankful. Puking my bliss yet? I have never been happier in my life than I am right now and my anticipation of tomorrow is what I’m thankful for the most because the little socks on the floor and the ring on my finger are my life now, wow.

You know, if you were to tell that blubbering half crocked chick at Thanksgiving last year this is where she’d be a year from then, she’d never believe you.

Happy Thanksgiving All!

3 thoughts on “Full of Thanks”

  1. Wow, I almost puked your bliss…just kidding, I had to say that LOL. Really Jess, we are the ones who are thankful for you and that baby (and Steve too!). I’m really looking forward to seeing you guys again on Christmas Day. It looks like all 3 of my boys and their families will be able to make it. It’s so hard to get everyone together at the same time, and if I have a choice I’d rather have it be Christmas than Thanksgiving. Anyway, I always enjoy reading your posts so keep it up. Love ya! Bye for now. Mom

  2. Jessica–that was so wonderful. You are a true writer and should seriously start writing and submitting them!! Life is good….

  3. It looks like you have a couple of spam requests there…unless you know someone at airplane simulator games (they apparently don’t know how to use the english language lol) or heart healthy recipes (they can’t spell “recipies” lol). Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing you guys on Christmas! Love ya!

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