Geet BoBo

Greetings All. My work free winter is coming to an end and in a couple of days I’ll be back to it uniform and all. I’m so lucky to have spent so much great time with my boy. He is growing so fast. I was there for his first steps and so many other great moments. Everyday there is some type of first. I will weather the going back to work but if I could continue spending all my time with X and make a buck, I would in an instant. Steve is starting the day shift the same time I go back to work, so it’ll be new schedules all the way around. I’m looking forward to having Steve home at night but I’ve been spoiled by getting to sleep and stretch out and toss and turn without concern. I see a king size bed in our future or else nobody will be sleeping.

I wanted to make note about X’s use of language. He’s my little chatter box and now that he is making use of more and more words it intrigues me to no end. What intrigues me even more is how he just comes up with words that he makes up and establishes meaning. I thought I’d document a few of them because he is slowly replacing them with the correct words, but of course he is coming up with new made up words that I haven’t deciphered yet.

Lala = Water/Milk
Q-wah = TV
NaNa = blanket
dahhhDA! = banana (he can say banana, but chooses not to)
geet = again
bobo = thank you (he uses the “thank you” tone)
blulah = remote
poopoh = piano

Then there are the words he hasn’t quite nailed yet, but are so adorable.

Wahtah = What’s that
Kib = crib
cock = clock
prrrrh = pear
anilmah = animal
Melmo = Elmo
Paka = Cracker
Yaowah = yellow

X attempts to say Alphabet, Octopus and Alligator – but they all sound the same and go something like this – Ahldabah.

I’ve been working with him on colors. If you ask him what color anything is, he’ll answer blue. He really has the grasp of the meaning and usage of “No” and has now mastered the word “Mmmmmore”. He’s getting pretty good at asking nicely with a “Please”, even though he needs to be reminded most of the time…unless he really wants something in which he throws out the pleases without any reminding. He’s my 19 month old little boy, no longer an infant and rapidly blowing threw toddler stage.

He’s just beginning to enter a world where he can hop, march, run, stomp, jump and climb. He took his time to walk and has been taking his time to do these other large motor skills, I happen to be quite thankful for that. But just last night in the midst of trying to jump while he yelled “JUMP!”, he caught air. His surprise and huge beaming smile was classic. Steve and I applauded his accomplishment.

My little harmonica play’n, eyebrows up and down’n, cougar growl’n, smiley frown’n face favorite little boy is growing up. He refuses to stay little like I’ve asked him countless times. I hope he slows down a bit while I’m back to work, but that’s not realistic. So I just hope for a full summer of fun and family, making memories around the work hours to last a lifetime.

2 thoughts on “Geet BoBo”

  1. It sounds like he’s making good progress! He sounds adorable and I miss seeing new videos and pictures that you are supposed to post for the Gramma’s. But I’ll be seeing him in about 2 weeks (YAY!). Looking forward to it! See you then. Love you guys!

  2. Oh he sounds like he is making lots of progress. I enjoy the pictures and miss the videos too. Summer is supposed to come soon and I bet he will have more words for outdoor things soon. Love GMW

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