Good titles are hard to write.

You know a good title for one of these postings is good to come up with especially when the post us just a general update with no big news.

Got my printer in yesterday. The thing weighs 50 pounds and sounds like a freaking jet engine when it fires up. Sweet. There is a big problem with old toner dust covering the internal parts and getting on the printed pages though. I got a lot of it out and it prints somewhat ok now but I will need to take it all apart and clean it real good eventually. Otherwise it works great. It’s even got an ethernet port on it so I can plug it directly into my router and have it available from the network.

Had class today. Had a quiz. I think I did mediocre on it. I’m pretty sure that I passed though. I need to hurry up and ask the girl that sits next to me out. At least to lunch or something after class. Had a good opening today, but I hesitated thinking “Is this a good opening?” and my brain replied “Well it was you dipshit, now the moment passed.” DOH! Theres plenty of time left in the quarter though. This was only like the 5th or 6th class, there’s like 20 or 25 left.

Link of the day – Ads that didn’t quite make it.

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