
Well I am graduated. What a boring ceremony. I thought the best part was the people getting their GEDs. That’s just embarrassing. Why even go to the ceremony for that. It’s like saying, “Look at me! I’m a dumbass!”. My parents and brothers came in for the ceremony which was cool. They gave me some cash and a card we went out to eat at Whiskey Creek. Thanks mom and dad. I got some of the pictures up that I got from Gabe the other day. I am going to finish uploading the others from the trip tonight and I will put captions on them to say what they are if it isnt self explanatory. I think I might go get a frame for this diploma today. I was going to put it in a drawer or something like I did with my high school diploma but I think I will hang it up instead. I still come across the high school one in some random box whenever I move and each time I think, why am I dragging this around with me? My cousin Carly was at the graduation thing today. She didn’t come to see me, she was working it directing people where to go. One of her friends is the president of the student senate so I suppose thats how she got involved in that. Carly congratulated me and we took some pictures which was cool. Thanks to everyone who congratulated me on the graruation. Yes I am going to look for a new job, since I always get asked that. No I am not starting my own business even though I got the degree in business administration. That’s all I have for now. I am going to take a few semesters off from school to take a break since I’ve been going full time for over 2 years with no break. I will go back next fall for something else since I have about 10 months worth of GI-Bill remaining. In the mean time I need to make some changes in my life. I need to move forward on something becuase most of the time I don’t feel like I am making any progress. Later all.

2 thoughts on “Graduated…”

  1. Hey Steve – Congratulations – best of luck in the future!

    Now if only I’d get off my ass and go to some college or something…

  2. Thanks Mayo, It feels good to graduate but I really don’t feel like my life is any different other than having my evenings free again and less money coming in. Oh well.

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