Graduations, food poisoning, RAF.

Well I went to my brother Adam’s high school graduation on Saturday. It was pretty tedious that’s for sure. I don’t remember my graduation being that long and boring. And also when did they start giving the token 5 dollar “scholarships” to every single person so they would have something to announce? In my day if you were a dumbass who didn’t work very hard (like myself) you just got your name called, you got your diploma, and you went and sat down. The only people who got other stuff announced were people who got something really noteworthy like a 4 year ride or an athletic scholarship or something. I guess that they decided that the dummies feelings were getting hurt and if one person got something announced then
everyone had to get something announced. Dumb. The fashions sure have changed a lot in 12 years thats for sure. I don’t remember any miniskirts and boobie shirts back in the day. If I recall the prevailing fashion for girls was big bulky sweatshirts and poofy hair with that that hairsprayed wave looking thing with the bangs. I swear if you had a little plastic guy on a surfboard that you could stick in there it would not look out of place. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about with a random shot off the web.


Anyway congratulations to my brother Adam. He says he is going to college in the fall in Columbus which is real good. Pat go get your GED and go do the same thing, it’s not too late. Anyway I saw a bunch of family and other people that I haven’t seen in a long time. Nothing like talking to family members to make a guy feel like shit about his life. You seeing anyone? no What do you do for fun? nothing Well what do you do then to occupy your time? work Yea I don’t do much of anything anymore. When it comes to dating it’s just usually just easier to take the $100 and throw it in the toilet and spend the evening watching a movie with the dog in my lap. It’s a lot more enjoyable that way. I just haven’t met anyone that I’ve really liked in a very long time, also I’m just way too picky now. I’ve already made the mistake of not being picky enough in my first marriage and now I’m too far in the other direction.

I was feeling pretty low energy on Saturday the whole day but I thought I was just tired from only sleeping 3 hours. I think I had some kind of food poisoning or something though because I was feeling just as shitty on Sunday and spent the whole day either sitting on the crapper or being as still as possible so as not to shit myself (again). Yes I did shit myself, twice in fact. The first time I wasn’t expecting it and thought I was letting out a fart when in fact it was a shart. I then proceeded to do that funny run up the stairs to the bathroom trying to keep it from running down my legs. Gross. Thought I had it all taken care of but I had to stop in the middle of writing this post and almost didn’t make it again. Again gross.

Got to work tonight hoping for a slow night because I’m all dehydrated and have stomach cramps but no chance of that. Of course theres a British Royal Air Force VC-10 and Harrier here because of mechanical problems and they need a bunch of stuff. To this day I can not believe that the English were the originators of the English language because I can’t understand anything that they say. Pip pip cheerieo and all that rigaramol poppenfresh and all that god save the queen. Riiiiight. They are always overly nice though. You could kick them in the nuts and they would just tell you that was a jolly good kick. That’s all for tonight, I have work to do.

Get your photo ready for the internet!

6 thoughts on “Graduations, food poisoning, RAF.”

  1. Oh my goodness…nobody else who ate the food has mentioned any problems…sorry you had the shits…but I laughed out loud when I read this…sorry about that too cause I really didn’t mean for that to sound mean, but I’ve had the exact same problem, so I really feel for you. I had a really bad case of food poisioning from Bonanza one time, lasted 3 days. All they could do for compensation was to send me tickets for a free meal…yeah, I want to eat THERE again!…no thank you. Well, feel better, love ya.

  2. Sorry you weren’t feeling good. Gotta get those track shoes on so the path to “little house” goes quicker!!!! Hey, no fun and hope your feeling better –Pip, pip and tallyho and all that!! Love ya

  3. Oh, pull your head out of your ass man! If you want a woman that bad… Get out of the house. Go down to the Home Depot or whatever it is and hit up the somewhat homely girl there. You are probably the only person I know more bitchy, opinionated and picky than I am. Love the blogs, but damnit, they aren’t going to get you laid (well.. maybe if you somehow find some psycho chick that’s into angry sex). And damnit man, forget Joanie. That was what? Five years ago? Screw her. Just get off your lazy ass, hang out, go do stuff and quit wallowing. Anyhow, just wanted to say hey and give you some shit since I haven’t done it in awhile. At least you’re still alive and somewhat kicking. Well, give me a call sometime assclown.

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