Greetings and salutitations…

… from sunny Lincoln, Nebraska! I’m not up to all that much right now, just downloading some movies and doing some badly needed cleaning around the house. I’m kind of irritated because I just located a urine spot on the carpet that has evaded detection long enough to completely dry which is such a pain in the ass to completely get out. Damn dog. Chad the fish is easier to deal with but I have to change his water completely every week because he likes to coat the surface with slimy bubbles. I was reading that bettas lay eggs in the bubbles so Chad is probably giving me the hint to buy him a lady friend. I’m not going to do it though because it also said that they might kill each other if they are in the same bowl even if they are different sexes and I’m not going to waste my money for that. If I can go through life not getting laid so can he.

Went out last weekend to the hockey game with Ed and Shellie and their friends. I had a few drinks but not enough to get more than a buzz and then a headache. I would have said that it was a good time until I got food poisoning from some bad chicken wings a day or so later. I was then cursing Ed’s name for the 18 hours or so I was on the toilet crapping out everything but my lungs and then completely drained and dehydrated for another day or so after that. That hurt so bad I was literally crying. Awful.

We have a new president. I was going to go on a spiel about Bush but eh… good riddance. All I can say is I hope he lives a very long life so history can tell him how horrible he really was. Not that he will see any of it, just like his presidency he will be surrounded by lackeys telling him how great he was until the day he dies. I like most of the things Obama has done so far as far as making things more transparent and open, as well as the stances on torture. He hasn’t really done that much else yet except rile up Limbaugh and O’Reilly so let’s see if anything else gets done or if the same old Washington clusterfuck resumes just like it always does.

Well I got my bonus money yesterday, they also announced drastic cost cutting measures for everyone like pay freezes, no new hires, overtime cuts etc. since the economy is going in the shitter so fast and the bottom is falling out of the private aviation industry. Weird that they are doing both at the same time but what are you gonna do? They seem to do a pretty good job of keeping the company in the black and they are committed to not laying anyone off so I guess you just gotta push on and hope for the best. They might be cutting my tuition assistance as well so that kind of sucks but I would rather be employed with no degree than unemployed with one.

Since I was sick last weekend with he food poisoning I missed my long run. I tried to make it up this week by adding on miles but I didn’t get them all in. I was going to go in tonight and finish it off but I decided to take today as a rest day instead since I was completely spent yesterday and almost couldn’t finish. I’ve learned that a rest day can be more beneficial if you aren’t feeling it and I’ll just go in Sunday fresh for this week’s long run. 13 miles this week which pretty much equals the longest I have ever gone in my life at one time and things are still going pretty good. I’m right on track to start week 8 out of the 16 week training schedule and am looking forward to the March 28th Olathe Marathon. I hope the weather is nice.

6 thoughts on “Greetings and salutitations…”

  1. The gym(me) is awful lonely tonight. That treadmill(not me) is ready to be ridden. Anyway, funny for me to hear your dog is still concealing his pee. I was hoping the trickery would end in a couple weeks with our new pup. We still haven’t named the pup. Gary sounds sweet.

  2. I’ll be in on Sunday night to run maybe Sat. to lift, I was going to come in tonight but I’m worn out. I’m gonna kick your ass if you name that dog Gary. I call dibs on that name.

  3. I don’t know…my iPOD stays up with my bicep strap!..But then again you do have a chinese fighting fish!..okay you win…don’t worry its a girl dog anyway…a nameless girl dog.

  4. The fact that it’s a girl dog makes the name Gary all the more awesome. Think of all the confusion and funny looks that would ensue. I guess that’s just how I roll though.

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