
Well I have the next 3 days off and that is nice because it’s cold. I’m spending the day getting caught up on the queue of DVD’s that I’m copying from Netflix. I have about 8 of them ripped to the hard drive and I am running out of room so I need to get them compressed and burned before the next batch comes in on Saturday. I have a good schedule worked out now, if I rip them to the hard drive as soon as I get them and get them out in the mail that same day I can copy about 24 movies a month. I’ll do that for a while until I get a huge collection of movies and then cancel the membership. I have several getting compressed down to DVD-R size at the same time right now and the computer is about to take a dump on me it’s so boggged down (encoding takes a lot of processor and memory).

I am also working on getting my apartment cleaned up today. I let it get pretty bad. I am not a overly tidy person on my best day even though I do like things clean just like anyone else. I just got into one of my usual cycles of deep depression that I have been going through for as long as I can remember and I stopped caring about pretty much everything. I’m really sick of that. I have been pretty much just spinning my wheels and going nowhere for the last 5 years. I’m trying to make some changes in my life and I’m going to try going about it in a different way. I usually get a bug up my ass every once and a while about not being happy with the way things are going. I then make a grand list of unachievable goals that of course fail because those goals can’t be done in a day or two. I’m going to take a bit of my own advise that I have given to other people in the past and start out with small things that can be done today that I can see success with and work my way up from there. I am also going to go to the doctor for the first time in my adult life and get some sort of antidepressant now that I have health insurance that will cover it. I was on Paxil for a little while a few years ago and it was a freaking miracle drug… for a month or so… then the good effects wore off bit by bit and all there was was side effects. Getting off Paxil really sucks ass too because it gives you these very unpleasnt twitching sensations commonly called the “zaps” which feels like an electric shock. That lasts a couple weeks before it stops. I got that prescription from an “internet” doctor for triple the price because I have a phobia about going to doctors. I don’t even know how to go to a doctor or even pick one. It’s a common thing that people seem to do all the time and I had no idea how to go about it. I talked to a friend of mine who recommended the doctor that he goes to that he went to school with. I’m going to make an appointment there as soon as I can find the piece of paper that I wrote down the info in on this shit hole. Gotta make some changes, thats for sure. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t really know anyone anymore. The friends that I did have move away or something and new ones aren’t made because new people don’t just knock on my door to wake me up when I’m locked in my apartment sleeping 16 hours a day. I gotta take advantage of this temporary upswing in my mood because it won’t last long on it’s own, especially now that the weather is cold and dreary. I’ve learned that from experience.

Here’s my new motto:
What have I accomplished today?
Feel free to make fun of me if I fail again. At least I’m giving it an honest shot I suppose.

Well I pretty much got the now look of the site the way I like it. I will probably change the colors a bit sometime in the future but that will wait. I am going to see if I can get an artist that I know to make me a cartoony looking polish guy with his fists up for a logo. I have what I want in my head but I am just not capable of getting it from my mind onto the screen. This guy does computer graphic work for a living and is a good artist but I know he is really busy at work right now with state tournaments so it will have to wait until he has more free time. I will mess with the colors if and when I can get something from him. Later.

3 thoughts on “Happenings.”

  1. I’m glad that you are starting to take care of yourself better. I have to make an appointment pretty soon too for a checkup, haven’t had one for a while. I have to look for a new doctor too, the ones I have been going to have just been no good…just do a quick once over and go on to the next patient…they don’t take time to really listen to symptoms or explain anything. Anyway, I changed the theme on my blog again, so you won’t have to look for how to get the foreign language off of that one (even though I liked the look of that one). Well, bye for now, love ya!

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