Happy Holidays.

Well it’s that time of year isn’t it? Where has the time gone? I need to go get my shopping done pretty quick here. Shopping for Christmas gifts you say? HELL NO! I just need to get all the shopping done for things that I need for the next month like food or anything else since I don’t go to ANY store from the day after Thanksgiving until about January 4th or so. I just can’t take it. All the scum of the earth people out spending their unemployment and welfare checks on crap they don’t need and taking up all the good parking spaces so I have to walk a half mile to get into the store. All the 450 pound fat women and their dirty fat kids getting in front of me in line and trying to pay for $21.72 worth of merchandise with nothing but nickels. All the ignorant people who can’t understand why their card doesn’t work to pay for things when they have no money in their account. Well swipe it 5 more times then! Hell I have time! I’m just here to get some milk is all! I don’t mind waiting another ten minutes or so while you talk to the manager about it! The stores have already started cranking up that damn music too. For Christ’s sake, the day after Halloween is just too early for that crap… lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with youuuuuuuu. Over and over and over. I could never work retail. I would go insane within a day. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I hate the holiday season. Hate is too mild a word I think. Loathe maybe. I actually can’t think of a good word to describe how I feel about the Holiday season.

I suppose I would feel better about this time of year if I wasn’t alone again. (please mom no comments about how I always have you guys etc. etc., thats not what I am talking about) I can’t seem to find anyone that I am attracted to. Well I take that back. I have found plenty of women that I am attracted to it’s just a matter of them wanting me back. It just never seems to work out. I have plenty of luck finding ones that are attracted to me too. Too bad I’m not interested in them at all. I am not mean to them though because I think everyone deserves to be treated like a human being so in their mind that means I must be in love with them. I am thinking that I shouldn’t be nice to them anymore though. It’s a pain in the ass. I just want to scream at them “Jesus you fat pig! Get the hell away from me and leave me alone! Put the burger down and get on a treadmill!” I can’t really do that though because it’s not really in my nature.

There isn’t really that much going on around here. Kasey is still in Turkey. He should be back the 1st or so. Still can’t stand my job. Doing a couple classes and will graduate December 18th with a degree that will get me exactly nowhere further in life other than to have something else to hang on the wall. Huskers are out of the Big 12 championship and need to win tomorrow to go to a bowl at all. Now that it’s getting cold Brian is crapping in the house because he’s a pink bellied wuss and doesn’t like it out there. He better get used to it because if he does it again I’m gonna punt him into the wall. I think that’s about it for now. It’s about time I wrote something on here besides football crap. Happy Holidays!

1 thought on “Happy Holidays.”

  1. HO-HO-HO! By the way…I WORK RETAIL!!! And yes, that’s why I act the way I do sometimes. And yes again, the music is driving me nuts too, I have to listen to it all day long every day that I work! (I need a vacation…or a change of some sort). Why can’t I win the lottery? (Maybe because whenever I buy a ticket, I just add my money in with everyone else’s, and then I hear the giant sucking sound of my dollars disappearing into the black hole…) You can’t win if you don’t play…I can’t win if I do.

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