Happy New Year!

Yeah, I know I’m a little late with the New Year’s Day update, but I guess I just didn’t get around to it. I was all excited about my vacation finally getting here but you know what? Now I’m bored. I guess it’s pretty pathetic that I don’t have much of a life outside of work. I think I would’ve been better off just taking a couple days off and adding it to my weekend rather than taking a week and a half off. I got my yearly date knocked out for last year right before the year finished up, which seems to be about the average number of dates I go on per year. Nothing is going to come of it though, she was a really nice girl but I don’t think we have much in common. I think I’ll just sign up for match.com for a couple months and just go out on a barrage of dates just to get back out there again and get back into practice since I’ve pretty much become a hermit and don’t get out of house much other than to go to work.

I actually did something for New Year’s this year for the first time in probably five years other than fall asleep at 10, wake up at two, and then go back to sleep. I’m not a real fan of going out to the bars on New Year’s Eve since there’s always a $20 cover charge and every place is packed. Not to mention the fact that there’s cops everywhere waiting to give you a DWI. This year and my cousin Cassie was having a garage party at her place. I don’t really have much of a desire to drink any more, but that setting would be my preferred thing to do rather than hang out in the bars. I had a couple of beers, drank some of the champagne, watched the fireworks that Joe lit off at midnight and then pretty much called it a night. When the hell did I get so boring?

Well I started my “the beginning of the year is as good a time as any to start doing something since it’s easy to remember when you started doing it” exercise goal for the year. I’m going to try and run the half marathon in the beginning of May. So basically I have four months to train enough to be able to run 13.1 miles, which actually is a pretty lofty goal for me. Today I ran one mile and it hurt really really bad since I haven’t really worked out in a while. There’s a 5K and 10K race which fit nicely into my training schedule that I’m going to enter in between now and the half. The nice thing about the half marathon is that if I finish I get another sweet ass medal to add to my triathlon medal that I didn’t really deserve from last year. If anyone would like to come out and cheer me on, that would be completely awesome. It’s on May 4th, in the morning. Plus it would help me to not blow it off completely if people are coming to watch me finish and I’ve made my intentions of running it more public. That’s all I’ve got for today.

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