Happy New Year!

I’m writing this a little early and setting it to post on on New Years while I have the notion to. Ed and I are waiting for Larry the Cable Guy’s Gulfstream to arrive from San Diego. I’m amazed that he makes enough money from the cable guy shtick to fly in a Gulfstream but that’s besides the point, I guess it’s nice to have a wealthy booster that everyone in the country knows instead of it being some random businessman. I just got off the phone with a drunk guy who was wanting to know when the Huskers team plane was arriving back in Lincoln. He is under the impression that there will be 100,000 people waiting to greet the team when they get back so he is going to arrive 3 hours early with his lawn chair so he can get a good spot. I assured him that he would definitely get a good spot and told him how much of a good idea that was. He was pleased that I agreed with his logic on the subject and wanted to know if I would be there too. I told him unfortunately I had to sleep since I work overnights and because of this I wouldn’t be able to arrive in time to get a good seat. In reality if I wanted to I could easily go inside the fences and high five them all as they came off the plane. Also, there might be a couple hundred or so people to greet the team not 100,000 but who am I to deflate the guys enthusiasm? Seriously though what a great ending to the season. I was worried about how this game would turn out and I definitely didn’t think that the Huskers would dominate like they did. You look back on the season and see how freakin’ close we were to finishing 13-1 and it makes you excited for the future especially after the “wet fart” that was the “Callahan era”.

Since I’m queuing this post until New Years I guess I’ll just say that I hope everyone had a good time and stayed safe this New Years Eve. I of course am at work for the… oh I don’t know… 13th year in a row? Oh well, I hate going out on New Years anyway. Too crowded, too much money to do anything. Plus I quit drinking almost 2 years ago now and hanging out at the bar with drunk people isn’t very fun. Jessica is going out with a friend for a while so hopefully she had a good time.

Who is doing New Years resolutions? I’ve been doing them for the last couple years and have had some success with a lot of them. I don’t remember what I was supposed to do this year, I guess that means that I wasn’t successful at it huh? This year I am going to try eliminating fast food and pop and start cooking real meals a lot more. Come to think of it that might be what I was supposed to do last year. If that’s the case then I guess I am giving it the old college try again. I put way too much junk into my body which is probably why I feel like crap a lot of the time. Garbage in, garbage out is what they say. I am encouraging Jessica to completely quit smoking for hers. I think I smoked for 17 or 18 years but now that I have quit for a semi extended period of time I can’t stand it. She doesn’t smoke all the time, but still sneaks them sometimes. It is really hard to quit completely though.

That’s all I’ve got for today, Happy New Year everyone!

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