Happy New Year, for everyone else…

Me? I’m at work rockin’ the muzak. That’s ok because I celebrate Chinese New Year which of course falls on January 26th as everyone already knows I’m sure. Everyone excited about the year of the ox? Shyeah! I can’t wait! I bet that Monday night the bars will be packed with revelers ringing in the New Year. Actually now that I think about it I’m sure that there are college students that do celebrate it just as a reason to drink.

Anyone else do the New Years resolutions? I’ve had pretty good luck with them over the last couple years of actually making them stick. 3 years ago it was getting debt free and getting my finances in order after being broke dick broke after my divorce, 2 years ago it was quitting smoking, last year exercising and getting into shape. Interspersed in there with no particular year assigned to them is quitting drinking and finishing my bachelors degree. The degree thing is proceeding at glacial speed with the current ETA of late 2011 or early 2012 even though the college says I’m officially a Junior. I’m only part timing it after all. I’ll get there eventually.

What’s it going to be this year? I’m going with a combination of reading more actual books and doing some volunteering. I chose the books thing because I’m on the internet waaaay too much and I feel myself getting dumber every second I spend looking at a LOLcat or checking if someone’s status has changed on Facebook in the last 10 minutes. I used to be able to watch Jeopardy and just absolutely destroy it but now… not so much. As for the volunteering thing? I don’t know, I guess I just want to get out more and test myself. I’m a pretty introverted person by nature and if left to my own devices I would be perfectly satisfied being a recluse but that isn’t really the life I want for myself. I’ve got to realize that just because life isn’t bad, that isn’t the same as life being good. I’ve grown too comfortable with the status quo. Anyway my personal stance on community service type stuff is that I’m perfectly glad to help people that are willing to work their ass off to help themselves but I have no desire to help people who have no self respect and just want everything given to them like they are owed but have no willingness to do anything about their situation. I was looking around for somewhere where I might fill a niche’ and came across the Lincoln Action Program. They do lots of things but the thing that caught my eye was for the computer lab instructor who teaches computer skills, Microsoft Office classes and other miscellaneous technical classes. Their volunteers also refurbish donated computers and give them to people who participate in the programs and show the willingness to work for them. I thought about some other programs like Big Brothers/Big Sisters or Scouts but with society the way it is now if you are a single adult male with no children and try to volunteer for those types of things you are automatically viewed with suspicion. People’s first reaction is that you must be a pedophile and you are only there to rape some little kid the first chance you are left alone with them. Who needs that hassle and stigma? Plus if I’m gonna abduct children it’s going to be the old school way with a rusty panel van and an offer of candy…

I laughed at joke and that’s all that matters.

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