Happy Thanksgiving.

Hope you’re going to have a big meal and have a good time with your family. Me? I’ll be sleeping the day away and when I get up I’ll dig through the fridge and cupboards and be pissed off that I don’t have anything good to eat and all the stores are closed. Then I’ll go to work that night and take lots of calls from people who are surprised that there’s no one here to help them because there’s all of 2 people working in the whole company. The dog will be happy that I don’t have to work until 10 since I haven’t been home since Sunday other than to sleep. All week I got up, showered, got dressed and took the dog out to poop and then left for 15 hours so he’s been pretty bored. At least he’s been good while I’ve been gone. I’ll get together with the family next weekend for the Thanksgiving thing at a restaurant although I’m sure no turkey or cranberries will be eaten. Chuck and Hoop are gonna stop over and watch the big game on Friday to see Bill Callahan lead us to a second losing season in 4 years. Should be fun. I’m ready to take some vacation really bad. My job is incredibly easy and I make OK money I guess but we all get sick of things don’t we? Being awake when the sun was up might help a little. I’m going to have to go get a new vehicle next monthish once I get my taxes paid since the truck is falling apart. I’ll go out and see if I can get a loan now that my credit score is better. I’ll get a newish roller skate car like a Chevy Aveo or something. I know it’s kind of a lame car but I just want something that’s good on gas, has heat, and the doors close which is something that the S-10 doesn’t have.

5 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving.”

  1. Hey, when you’re looking around for a crackerbox car for yourself, look for a rollerskate car for me (LOL). I’m not in a big hurry to find one yet, the car I drive will go for a long time yet. I’m probably going to have to get something after winter though. Gas will be too expensive for me at $5 a gallon to be driving something that only gets 22-24 MPG…that’s over $10 a day just to go to work. Seems like everything is going up except my paycheck…that goes down cause they charge me more for insurance and taxes…here I go wishing for the lottery win again. Oh well, that’ll never happen cause I don’t buy tickets. OK, Happy Thanksgiving! Bye.

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