Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you are getting to spend your time with friends and family eating a big fat turkey with all the trimmings. Yummy! I won’t be eating any today, I’m going to chillax with the animals and have leftover catering from a Microsoft bigwigs airplane, but I will have a nice dinner probably this weekend when Jess gets back from her parents. Are you thinking of the things that you are thankful for? Don’t you hate it when people ask you that? HA! I’m thankful that things are going well for me (mostly, who doesn’t have things that could be better), I’m thankful for my family, and most of all I’m thankful that I have Jessica in my life. I mean seriously, you’ve all met me, I’m just a difficult person, right? Maybe not difficult, just wired differently than most. Anyway, enjoy the holidays!

That paper that should take me a half hour is kind of throwing me for a loop a little bit. It should be easy but I’ve got writers block and give a crap block and I would rather be doing anything right now other than writing the paper, hence this post. I got a good start on the outline of what I want to write. It’s a very slow night tonight at work because of the holiday. I got a lot of my stuff done last night that I was supposed to do today because I knew that it would be miserably cold and windy tonight. The parking lot is completely empty. It sucks being one of the few people that has to work in a company that employs thousands (most of whom are getting a 4 day weekend). Oh well, if that is something that I can’t get over then I need to seek employment elsewhere since that is part of the gig right?

I got my hour workout in that I said I was going to start doing. I mostly did half hours last week and this week I am determined to get the whole hour in for all the days I’m supposed to be doing it. I’ve got to keep up with Jessica because she has been kicking my ass and doing all of her’s since last week and making me look like a pansy. Well I look like a pansy anyway, just like more of one because I’m being outdone by a girl. I’ve decided to try once again to run the full Lincoln Marathon as well. A 22 week training schedule begins for that starting next Monday. I know I said I was going to stick to 5 and 10k’s but looking at my friend Dave’s exploits as an ultramarathoner (50k, 50 mile and 100 mile races etc.) has again inspired me to stop being such a damn crybaby and do it. Since I always get hurt I’m going to go slow as hell and make my sole goal to finish the race before they take down the finish line. I figure it might take 6 hours or so… It’s on!

6 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Pretty thankful for you too Steve. Wish you were here with me. Just know I’ll be bringing home a turkey, a ham and a duck…so, your choice there…just don’t choose the ham. Loves ya.

  2. Happy thanksgiving to you too Steve! I enjoy reading your blog, you are so honest and your personality shines through. I do agree Jessica has made you a changed man, and for the better. Even in your writings where you used to use a lot of bad words. I’m so glad you’ve found her and I hope you make her just as happy; you must!! :)
    I hope you guys will be at the Korgie Christmas on the 11th….we’re coming unless some storm turns us away!
    Stay warm, and enjoy the leftovers! lol

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