
Well I fixed the heat in my truck, it turns out the motor was bad and just worked intermittently which is why I thought it was a short somewhere in the wiring or the relay which means of course I replaced and checked everything else except the thing that was the problem. The damn motor was a real sonova bitch to get out even though it should have been easy but everything was corroded and stuck and it was cold as hell outside which made my fingers numb and made it hard to hold onto the tiny screws. The battery was kind of old and weak as well so I got a pretty good one with a lot of cold cranking amps. That should have been a piece of cake to swap out too but it was a side post screw in type battery and one of the terminals was completely corroded onto the battery and I completely stripped it off and got it stuck in the battery. It never fails, the thing that should be the easiest to do always has something go wrong. I had to get some replacement terminals and cut off the cables to get the old battery out. Anyway it cranks like a mother now and it blows nice and hot again and it only cost me about $100 bucks. I’m almost tempted to fix the other stuff on it and keep driving it since it would probably cost less than a single car payment. I would need to just go find a whole new door and have it put on and have a new muffler put on and it would be good to go. It’s good enough for now and it will get me through another winter so I will decide what to do with it later.

I just ran for the first time in 3 weeks since I am supposed to be running a 5k next Saturday and holy crap it hurt like hell. I am completely out of shape again. I need to just keep with it when I am doing it instead of dropping off for a few weeks here and there. I would just be better off. Well I’m 10 days into the no fast food thing and I’m doing ok there I guess. I need to get more of a variety of stuff to eat at home because I’m getting bored of sandwiches. I guess I will make a list for when I get groceries and rediscover all the ghetto foods that you can make with simple stuff.

1 thought on “Heat!”

  1. Don’t forget about mac’n’cheese and pot pies…we ate that a lot when you were little and we lived in our own little ghetto…above the Reno Bar, remember that? You might have been a little too young to remember that…back when video games first came out…we had pong before anyone else I knew…god I feel old (good thing my house doesn’t smell like old people huh?!)…anyway congratulations on taking better care of yourself now that you’re old too. Good luck in your 5k coming up. Later, love ya.

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