
Well, its 3 am on a Friday night and of course I’m awake. I missed my workout today again for the third straight day because whenever I want to go run the complex’s workout room is already closed, and I don’t feel like driving all the way to work to use their gym. Since I usually like to work out at night I figured that I would just go ahead and buy my own treadmill so I don’t have an excuse anymore to not run. I just got done putting it all together and trying it out and it seems to work okay even though I think I would’ve preferred the pricier model just because it seems to work better but this one will do. One unexpected problem that I’m going to have to deal with is the fact that the dog completely freaks out whenever I’m trying to run on this treadmill and does stupid crap like nip at my heels, bark like crazy, and jump onto the moving belt only to be flung off the end because he doesn’t understand the needs to run instead of stand still. Stupid dog.

There’s a pretty good chance that we’ll be going to Hawaii in April for a week or so for Kasey and Shannon’s wedding. It’s not a done deal yet that I’m going for sure since I have to wait and see if Gabe can find some accommodations more appropriate for poor divorced bachelors. Hopefully it will all work out since I haven’t really gone on a trip anywhere since the trip to Europe.

It turns out that I got more of a raise then I was expecting because of the fact that I got moved in to pay grade 5 which gives me an extra quarter in shift differential on top of the raise I already got. I can’t really complain about that, that’s for sure. Never in my life have I worked at a job where they were so fair and timely when it comes to getting raises. Every other job that I’ve never had except for the military was like pulling teeth to even get a nickel more.

2 thoughts on “Hello.”

  1. That’s for sure! I haven’t gotten a raise for who knows how long. In 9 years I’ve only gotten 2 cost of living raises. When the new store opens, we don’t get any more money, just have to work more hours. That sucks too. I guess I’m better off that a lot of people though. My house is paid off, my car is paid off, I don’t have to buy a lot of groceries anymore with only 2 people here. Still can’t retire…ok now that I’m depressed again…you enjoy your trip to Hawaii (if you go).

  2. Hawaii—sounds like fun. Bring me back a Hawaiian shirt!! Just kidding as you know where it would end up. IN a quilt of course. Ha. Good for you working out. The dog will just have to get used to it or lock him in the bathroom. That would really drive him nuts. If he gets tossed on his back side often enough he will figure it out he has to actually MOVE on the treadmill. Might do him good to run and tire him out too. Hope you get to go to Hawaii, you will have fun. GMW

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