
I don’t have all that much that’s new going on in my life right now. I’m trying to stop eating fast food and that’s going… well ok I guess. I’m having withdrawals since I’m so used to just swinging by and bam, I have food and I’m eating. Now I have to prepare something which I don’t really like doing all that much. Mostly because it’s so hard to make a good meal for one person without having so much left over that I have to eat it for the next 3 meals. Of course I don’t eat it for the next 3 meals and I end up throwing it out which doesn’t save me any money at all. I thought I was cutting down before until I went in and looked and counted the number of times I was still doing it and it was still a ridiculous number. Now I just completely stopped except for Tuesdays when I can get a large pizza for 6 bucks. Since I can get a couple meals out of that I will just use that as my splurge for the week instead of eating out 2-3 times a day.

I applied for Peru State and they sent me a nice acceptance letter with my student ID number and other info and told me to sign up for classes. I was thinking uhhh so do you want any transcripts or anything else or what? I feel pretty special that I got into a school that seems to have no other qualifications for getting in other than to be breathing. Yay. So whenever I sign up for some classes I will chip away at that and maybe finish my degree in 3 or 4 years.

Other than that I’m not doing much. Working, running. My big plans for the weekend is cleaning the apartment. Bleh.

1 thought on “Hi.”

  1. You know, there’s a really cool invention I found that would be the perfect thing to help you with those leftovers…it’s called “Aluminum Foil”. It’s also sometimes called “Tin Foil”. The great thing about it is that you can wrap up your leftovers in nice individual size bundles and freeze them for later (in your freezer). You can also use it to split up big packages of fresh hamburger or chicken to cook later. You can just write on them with a “Magic Marker” with what’s inside (don’t press too hard on the package though…you don’t want the taste of magic marker in there). If you try this you can use the food up slowly and it doesn’t get wasted. This “Aluminum Foil” doesn’t work too well with soup though…an old “Cool Whip” bowl with lid or “Tupperware” works better for that. Isn’t modern technology marvelous??? ;-) :-D

    Now that THAT’S done…e-mail me a route of your upcoming run on May 4th. I think that I don’t have to work that day, and if I don’t, we might just take a drive to cheer you on. I’ll know more the week before that. OK, later…love ya!

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