I almost forgot I had a website.

First things first, happy 36th anniversary to my parents Bill and Cindy! That’s a long time to be married, if I counted it out for me and Jessica we would be in our early 70’s, that’s if we make it that long without dying first. I wish I could do something awesome for them but it’s kind of hard to pull something like that together. I remember my grandparents had a huge thing on their 50th but I think it was easier since my grandfather was more of a community leader type and everyone knew them, while my parents aren’t really like that, neither am I really so I know the feeling. Anyway, congratulations to them both on making it this long.

It’s been over 4 months now since Jessica or I have written anything and I don’t really know why… busy lives I guess. I forgot that I even had a website there until the two hundred bucks got deducted to pay for hosting. I forgot that I was going to look for something cheaper before the bill came due. Whoops. Oh well, what’s done is done and I guess we’ve got a website for another two years. I just about deleted my facebook again but it’s difficult to do it because although there are a great number of people on there who I would probably act like I didn’t see them if I came upon them in person (and in fact have done this before), there are still many people who I do consider good friends from the past who I would still like to stay in some kind of contact with. Since I don’t want to lose that contact but I also have been finding Facebook more and more irritating and useless, I’ve decided to just keep the account online but never log into it and go back to my website for writing what’s going on and have my website posts automatically syndicated to my profile using an app. I know that not as many people will see it that way because Facebook doesn’t show most stuff posted by apps on everyone’s main wall but oh well, if someone wants to know whats going on with us let them seek it out. At least I don’t have to log in to read mindless political ranting from know nothings, pictures of random babies that I don’t know (guilty here, but comon’, my baby is cute and yours is ugly), pictures of what people are having for dinner, the everyday minutiae of lives that I care nothing about, and just generally having “friends” that aren’t really friends. I wish it was as easy to delete the account as deleting my MySpace account was, but that was easy because everyone was leaving there in droves to go to the next big thing which will happen soon enough with Facebook. Whatever the next thing is, I won’t be attending.

I won’t be writing everything that has been happening since I last posted because it would just be too much information. We did end up getting the house in Hickman and even though it isn’t even fully unpacked yet and probably won’t be for a long time, it quickly felt like home. Money is already being saved up for the big things that need to be fixed and it will probably take five years or so until those all get taken care of before we can start doing some real interior customization that is deeper than painting the walls a different color. First we are going to fence the back yard, new roof, new siding, new gutters, new garage door, and new concrete for the floor in the garage. None of them cheap projects, but along with some plants and landscaping it will really upgrade the curb appeal of the place. After that I don’t know, it’s something to think about I guess. I suppose we will get it just the way we want it right before we die of old age or something.

Jessica and I attended a Broadway show on Sunday. Not on Broadway of course, it was just the traveling show of Chicago at the Lied Center in Lincoln. Broadway show? How did you get her to drag you to that Steve? Well, it was my idea, a date with the wife I guess. I’ve never gone to a musical and I’m open to trying new things. It was about what I expected, fun I guess but not really something I want to do all the time. I would like to see the Monty Python’s Spamalot one or The Book of Mormon one that they guys from South Park did if I was to go to another one. It’s nice having Jessica off work for the winter because we are able to do a little more together than we did before, plus I get seven nights of sleep a week instead of six which really makes you feel like crap after a couple months and strains relationships. I guess that’s it for now.

1 thought on “I almost forgot I had a website.”

  1. Thanks for the anniversary wish! Also it’s been a long time since I posted anything on my blog too…I actually did forget about it there for a while. I can’t wait to see you guys again at Christmas time! I wish it could be more often, but you know how that goes. Anyway, I love you guys…see you soon! Mom

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