I am the angel of death…

For plants that is. I love how plants really make a room look alive but every time I try and have some they instantly die. Honestly I don’t know how my mom keeps hers alive for years and years until they are growing like 7 feet long all over the floor and have to be trimmed back. She probably gives them stupid stuff like light and water or something. Pffft… whatever. Now that I think of it I’m not that great at keeping much of anything alive. My fish always died when I didn’t clean the tank or feed them and half the water evoparates. Higher level organisms have done a better job I suppose. I had a 5 foot long free roaming iguana for a while. Most of the time the damn thing would just sit under a heat lamp and wouldn’t eat for weeks. When it did want something you damn well knew it because it came down from its perch and try to attack from above somehow to steal your food. I’ve had a few cats which are pretty self sufficient and will do what they have to do like making annoying noise when they are hungry. I’m really bad with the dog. If I had to feed him every day he would starve to death so thank goodness for his automatic feeder. I know that he’s emptied that when he drags it across the kitchen making one hell of a racket trying to get the last pieces out of the back. He’s also learned long ago that the toilet and tub are full of yummy fresh water. I tried to make him stop drinking out of the toilet but he wont drink any water that I put by his food anymore so at this point I’m just like “whatever dog, drink out of the toilet then”. I leave the lid up for him and make sure there’s no floaters in there and its all good. I guess the whole point is that I’m not the best at nurturing life which is why I want this.

It’s called a resurrection plant or rose of Jericho. It’s perfect for me because it’s impossible to kill the damn thing. No water or sun? No problem! The thing curls itself up in a ball that looks like a dried up tumbleweed and can sit like that in a drawer or attic for like fifty years. Give it a little water and blamo! Six hours later it’s all opened up and green again. If only more pets were like this. Whoops fish floating upside down? No problem. Sprinkle a little powder on em and they’re swimming around in no time. Forgot you locked that cat in the basement before you went on vacation? Mist a little water from this spray bottle and it’s all good. That would be totally sweet!

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