I definitely have to get more organized.

Well it’s just after 2 am and I am finished up with stupid homework.  Hit a roadblock on the algebra for a while because I am not that good at math but eventually I had a eureka moment when I finally got it.  I think it would have been better to have taken that class in person because I pick up math material better when I can listen to them talk about it.  Oh well, I am all caught up in that class until Friday except for a quiz that has to be done by Wednesday but I’m burned out for today.  I’ll take care of it tomorrow maybe if I have time.  I need to get a lot more organized and set up a time every day to work on it with no distractions.   If I can just blow through it it doesnt take that long but I end up checking my mail and surfing the net or whatever so it ends up taking a lot longer.  I would rather have it done and have some free time instead of putting it off and feeling that weight that it’s not done.

Dave called me last night from St. Louis.  We talked for about an hour.  Well he mostly told stories and I listened and laughed but thats the way he always has been.  Talked about old times like when he almost killed me and Rob Henneman in his truck and drunk stories involving piles of poop in kitchens and hitler mustaches drawn on faces.  He’s a funny guy.  I usually don’t get to actually talk to him becasue the only time he calls is at 4 am singing drunk songs on my voicemail.  I better get to bed.  It’s like 2:30 in the morning and I need to do some stuff in the morning.

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