I don’t have much to say.

I really don’t. I have no desire to write anything at all but I figure it will be another week or so before I have the next chance. My legs are all cramped up and I feel half crappy right now. You know that feeling you get when you don’t get enough good sleep. My body is just confused because I worked a day shift today. One day up at 5am, sleep at 7am, up at 1, sleep at 10, up at 9….. I don’t even know what day it is anymore or when it’s time to be asleep or awake. It is getting very old very quick. Since I track my money down to the cent I projected how much I will end up with at the end of the year if I keep this shit up and it was very disappointing to say the least. What it boils down to is that I am in a dead end job. At best in a couple years I can get a team leader gig and make just enough to make an ok living but not enough for anything worthwhile unless I continue working every second. I’m currently investigating a new career path. Just taking a look around.

Amazingly it looks like people are sending Kramer dirt for his “50 States in My Backyard” scam.. er… project to get dirt for his yard. I don’t know if he received any of it yet but I hear he’s getting some dirt from Arizona and Nevada so far. It was more of something to do to get a chuckle and I never expected anyone to actually send him any dirt. If people are sending it though we will make sure they get a nice thank you or something. Maybe I’ll make a map with the states that already sent dirt colored in or something.

Send your Dirt!

50 States in My Backyard
C/O Chuck Kramer
408 Santa Fe Trail
Lincoln, NE 68521

It looks like Matt got himself settled in somewhat in Wichita and has made his formally private blog available to everyone. I feel pretty good that I got mentioned in the first sentence of the now public blog (I’m that sarcastic jerk! yaay!). Take a look yourself using the Prelude to Revolution link on the right. You too can become a member of the revolution and at the inspirational videos of Kevin the dog eating bubbles!

That’s all I have for today. There won’t be a lot of posts from me for the next couple of weeks. All I will have to say is “Today I slept and then went back to work for 14 hours. Then I went home and slept and then went back to work for 14 hours.” It will sorta continue like that for a couple weeks or so. If I get inspired I might write something good but I wouldn’t hold your breath. Hell, I don’t write anything good most of the time when I am inspired.

The spiel afterwards is worse than getting caught in the first place.

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