I guess Jessica has nothing more to say.

She had a good run going there didn’t she? Posting like every other day and stuff. I get like that sometimes and then lose all my creative juices and go dormant for a bit. I know when I am not in school I feel a lot more like writing but after hitting the books every day writing on here feels like homework sometimes. What have we been up to? My parents came up the weekend before last and we went out to eat at Red Lobster, their treat of course as a late celebration from the wedding. If it was up to me I wouldn’t have gone there, the food was good but I think it’s just a little too pricey for my taste, I’m pretty low maintenance when it comes to food, not to mention a cheap ass a lot of the time and having someone else buy expensive stuff like that kind of makes me feel guilty because I would have been fine with a buffet or a pizza.

I gave them my old laptop computer and set them up with a wireless router and webcam and she finally got rid of the 33.6 dial up internet from the 90’s and got a cable modem. The nice thing about that is I can remote administrate both computers from here and set things up without having to do all the, “Ok what do you see now? What does it say? Yea click that.” stuff that takes an eternity and never seems to fix anything anyway. Still got some more things to set up network wise, sharing some files and printers between the computers and whatnot but it’s mostly going. I also set them and Jessica’s parents up with Skype so when the baby gets here all the grandparents can see it more since no one lives close enough to just stop by on a whim. Too bad because grandparents make wonderful free babysitters…

My parents taking us out counted as that weekend’s date night, but last weekend we did a couple things. Dinner and a movie, the dinner was mediocre, Carlos O’ Kellys. Blech. Chain restaurant. Then we went to see Sucker Punch. Overall I give it a B-. It was pretty imaginative and had kind of a Matrix kind of feel to the fight scenes where it was a dream like state where they were mixing genres and time periods. You know, steampunk and modern weapons, fighting dragons with WWII airplanes, robots and Vietnam helicopters etc., all done with hot women in lingerie. Very well done actually, and they picked good music to go with it. If the whole movie was just based on that dream like state it would have been an A movie but the rest of it in the mental asylum was really weak. They were going for a blow your mind kind of thing but it just didn’t work. I wouldn’t recommend seeing it in the theaters but it would be a good rental movie.

The next day we went to an antique show at the Lancaster Event Center. If I had unlimited funds I would have walked out of there with a lot of stuff but everything was priced at antique prices, while I had a thrift store budget. I mostly would have gotten some of the furniture if I had the money but there was a lot of other little knick knacks there as well that I liked. I was looking for one of those old fashioned pointy things that you put receipts on but the nice one that I would have used was like $65. I was also looking for a nice letter opener but the only ones that were in my range were the cheap ones used as advertisements. You know, ones with Bob Smith Insurance written on the side. I was looking for one that would have been considered as a quality item back when it was made. My favorite thing there was an old trunk with what they called “folk art” painted on it. It was a crude painting of this guy’s girl in one of those poses like they put on a WWI airplane nose. She was showing a lot of leg and had stockings and garter belts and stuff and it had her name… Imogene… HA! I love it. Totally an old lady name if I’ve ever heard one but I love it because back then they were younger than me and did all the same stupid stuff that all young people do. What I find funny is that all the trendy names that people are naming their kids now like Addyson, Madelyn or Hayden will someday be considered to be just as much of an old lady name as Imogene, Agnes, or Minerva seems to be now. Jessica has already been informed that I will refuse to name our child with a trendy name of any kind.

Unless of course she will let me use Danger or Megatron as the middle name…

2 thoughts on “I guess Jessica has nothing more to say.”

  1. Thanks again Steve for helping get everything set up here…and I think Cindy is a nice middle name for your little girl (unless you think that it’s too much of an old lady name)…ha

    We really enjoyed coming to visit you guys, and eating at Red Lobster…I know it’s kind of expensive, but we usually don’t get to go there unless it’s to celebrate something (like my son getting married). And you don’t have anything to feel guilty about, you ARE helping set up things on the laptop you GAVE me… Anyway I hope that once you guys have the baby, we can visit more often, and you can come here more often too (but we’ll probably have to rely on the skype).

    OK, that’s all I have for now, say hi to Jessica for me and hug the baby bump for grandma…love you guys!

  2. I wanted to name our kid Trevellian, but korgie totllay wiped it from any conversations of the baby.. Oh well wat can u expect haha

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