I hate being cold.

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything. I haven’t been doing anything much except for freezing my ass off at work. Working graves is great in the summer time when it’s 75 degrees at night but it sucks when it’s winter and it’s 10 degrees and theres an inch of ice on every surface. There’s still a month to go before we reach the mid point and average temperatures start going up again although the days will start getting longer starting next week. For the most part my entire job appears to be keeping the vehicles running which takes a lot more time than you think it would. I think I pumped over 600 gallons of unleaded this week. I’ve also seen all the new Husker coaches on multiple occasions going in and out on various airplanes to various far flung areas of the country recruiting. I hope that all works out next year because to me they are hiring too many old retread has beens or never were coaches. I think we could have done better on a lot of those assistants. I also saw that Georgia Tech hired my pick Paul Johnson so I’ll be interested to watch to see if he would have been a good pick for us.

I bought an old Palm IIIxe handheld off of ebay to use when I go geocaching. Basically it lets me go paperless so I don’t have to print out a page of paper for each one I want to find. I can just load everything onto the handheld and see all the info for every cache in a 25 mile circle around my place. It was only $25 total including shipping so if I drop it in a stream or break it in the woods it’s not a huge deal. I know no one cares about this and I don’t even know why I bought it now since I can’t even go because it’s so cold. I guess I’m just wishing for nice weather again.

I moved my email hosting to Google today and so far it’s great (and free!). I’ve finally had it with the people hosting my website doing it because I have been having problems with people rejecting my emails because other douchebags who I share the server with send out spam and get the server added to blocklists. They also can’t block incoming spam worth a damn either. No one will block Google’s servers since so many people use it and will get mad and they also do an excellent job of blocking spam. I’m pleased with it.

Tomorrow is the extended family get together in Columbus. I’m not going. I have no desire at all to use 2 weeks worth of gas to drive down to Columbus in a truck that overheats yet has no heat or defroster to go hang out in the back of a Mexican restaurant getting asked “what have you been up to”, “are you seeing anyone” and “why not”. I can answer those questions right here with, “I work and sleep”, “no I’m not”, “because I have no social skills and never leave the house.” My own immediate family isn’t even going. Christmas sucks. I wish my vacation would start already.

4 thoughts on “I hate being cold.”

  1. Well, Christmas may suck for you, but even so…you’re coming. You’ll get a nice meal here and money for gas, and cookies and leftovers to take home for you and Brian. I’m not buying Christmas gifts this year, just making cookies. Yeah, we’re not going to the mexican restaurant for Christmas either…So, we’ll see you on Christmas!

  2. Coolest Cousin Carly

    Steve I miss you! I was hoping to see you in Columbus, but after reading I don’t blame you. I hope you havin a great day!

  3. Yo dillweed, is this the way you treat your favorite uncle?? I bought a special present just for you! Get off your butt, make some changes in your life and get HAPPY! We are all here way to short of a time to live life unhappy.

    Einstiens definition of insanity: To continue to do the same thing, but expect different results.

    Come see us this summer!

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