I hate snow.

And so does the dog. I’m tired of the cold weather. Not really because I’m sick of it at work, I just want to go outside and do something other than work. Little bit of cabin fever going on I suppose. It’s funny watching a 12 inch tall dog try and poop in 8 inches of snow. It doesn’t work that well. I quit smoking. I’m on day 13 now. Well day 8 if you count the 3 I bummed when drinking last week but I’m not going to count those because… well it just doesn’t count because… ummm I didn’t buy them and uhhh… you see the rum and… Look it just doesn’t count OK? Let’s see what else is going on. I picked up 50 hours of overtime in the next 2 weeks so yea that should be a blast. I have no idea why really. I don’t need the money. Thats about it.

4 thoughts on “I hate snow.”

  1. I hate snow too. And i think it would be funny to see your dog try to poop. Okay that just sounds weird. Anyway. Your going to cut into a certain team leaders budget by taking all that overtime. I thinks its awesome. So what else is new up there. Not much here. It’s cold. Not as cold as up there(ha ha) buts it’s still cold. And when it’s snowing here planes don’t fly. Ha Ha. So I’m starting to think it’s not so bad now. Well now that I remember how bad your balls are probably freezing. Now I’m rambling. Talk to you later. Take care Stevo

  2. Actually I will be lucky if I beat that certain team leader in hours. Every time I work like 60 hours of overtime I look at the sheet with everyone’s hours on it and mine says something like 133.2 and his says… 133.8. That pisses me off for some reason, it’s like he does that on purpose. There’s a shit-ton of overtime on the board since cram is going on vacation for a couple weeks, Ben isn’t in the line department anymore and Jesse is taking a week off. More than enough for anyone who wants it.

  3. Gotta go to Wisconsin tomorrow for seminars for work. Flying out of Norfolk. Be back Thursday early evening and have to work at the store till close. I wish I could afford to retire. Hey you know that if you don’t really need all that money you’re making for that overtime, you can start a savings account to take care of me when I get old…oh, I feel like I’m old now…send money! (Just kidding). Love ya!

  4. Well I’m not just going to give it away. Going to invest it while I still have time to grow it. That and I want to own my own house again. Nothing fancy, two bedroom with attached garage in a decent neighborhood. Full basement that I can make into a nice game room type area with pool table (possibly with a husker theme). Fenced in backyard with a doggy door for easy dog access in and out without having to wake me up by sitting on my chest and breathing on me. I don’t know if I will get it in time for the current dog to enjoy that but definitely his replacement whom I will get in 2-3 years as an overlap dog and not a replacement. The replacement’s name will be “Kenny”, or possibly “Chad”. Got the Chad name from the Alltel commercial when they go “YOU’RE EMBARRASSING US IN FRONT OF CHAD!” Why do I think it’s a good dog name? Because other people think it’s not a good dog name and that’s how I roll. Sorry I’m rambling. The sleeping pill has kicked in.

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