I have a curse.

I think Kasey is right. I have a curse against me. I just never seem to come in contact with normal single women. For instance the entire time I have been living in this apartment there hasn’t been one decent looking girl that has moved into my building. I constantly see them coming and going from the other buildings as I go by in the truck. Why not here? I have the strange asian next door that is never seen (at least she is quiet). The pothead and his fat wife across the hall and their bratty kid. An old hag on the third floor with her goddamn yappy dog that barks constantly. A ok looking blonde who I only see coming and going with big black guys, I gather I’m not her type (I’m skinny and pale). Also the misc. married couples scattered inbetween, and the meth head that wasn’t seen after pulling his penis out in front of some kids and the cops came and took him away. Couple weeks ago someone finally moves in upstairs from me after the apartment was vacant for 6 months or more. Ahh its an attractive female! It’s about freakin time. Alas I think it’s a definitely a no go. Every night between 12:30 and 1am she is getting the wood laid to her by someone. Quite energetic I might add too. Thumping and creaking and screaming, and every night this causes the dog to jump up and bark. After the first week it stopped being funny and now it’s just annoying. They need to spice it up a little and do it say… about 9:30 before I get home from work.  I hate apartments.

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