I need to get out.

I have a little touch of cabin fever or something. I just need to go out and do something fun. Ever since I started working weekends the little social life I had has dwindled down to almost zero. Gabe called tonight to invite me to his birthday get together this Saturday at Heidelberg’s which is right up the road from my house. I might have to work something out so I can get Sunday morning off so I don’t have to go home early. I worked some overtime tonight so I guess I could just take it off and let someone else have some overtime on Sunday morning and I would come out even. I could use the money though. I’ll sleep on that.

I was going to go out and have a few drinks when I got off work on Tuesday but instead I went to Wal-Mart and bought a $170 steam cleaner which I have been wanting forever. Aren’t I a fun guy? That morning I was running late for work because I couldn’t find my airport badge which you need to get in all the doors and gates. Anyway while tearing the house apart looking for it I failed to notice that I had stepped in dog shit when I took the dog out and had tracked it all over carpet. That pissed me off. I spent yesterday rearranging all the furniture and steam cleaning everything. I am in the process of super cleaning everything in the apartment and putting everything in its place instead of living like a slob. I only finished the living room but it is so much better than it was. I need to keep it that way though instead of letting things build up little by little.

I came very close to going out and buying a big screen TV yesterday. While moving the furniture around I was thinking that it would look a lot better than the little TV I have now. Can I afford one? Well I wouldn’t be eating croutons or anything for lack of food, but I don’t really NEED it. Plus then I would need to get a stand to go with it to put the tivo/dvd/vcr/stereo on. For the last couple years I have been getting myself something expensive and nice like that for christmas because… well no one else really gives me anything cool for christmas. Not that I get anything good for anyone else either. If anything we usually trade money and end up pretty much even. To hell with it. I’m still paying on last years gift to me, this computer. I still might get the TV though but I will wait until I have some things that need to be paid in the next month or so paid and see what I have. I better head to bed now so I can get up tomorrow and finish cleaning the remainder of the apartment.

1 thought on “I need to get out.”

  1. Oh crap! Now I have to take back the one I got for you…or maybe I’ll just keep it and trade money with you! LOL Oh wait, I just remembered, that went to all the doctors I’ve seen this month :-(

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