I passed.

Well I got my grades and I passed my classes. Good. I shall now proceed to put that experience behind me. Not much is going on really. I wanted to get some stuff done this weekend because I really haven’t had any free time lately but what did I do? Got drunk Friday and Saturday nights. Spent the rest of the time feeling like crap. I guess I did play some PS2 football against Kasey on Saturday and went to the pool here at the complex. Sunday, nothing at all… I’m already wasting tomorrow by still being up farting around right now at 1:30 in the morning. Anyway Friday I went to my cousin Cassie’s apartment because they were celebrating Cassie and my other cousin Carly’s birthday. Barely saw Carly though. She is like 8 months pregnant now and left shortly after I got there. I haven’t seen either of them since before Carly got knocked up. Where the hell does the time go? The older I get the faster it goes. They live in the same town as me and it’t still 8 months between the times I hang out with them. Saturday went over to Adam’s place for a bit with Kasey and Gabe then went out and got obliterated at the bar. I ended up wandering off again and losing the people I came with. Nothing that unusual about that though, I think people are used to it.

Work is fine, same old same old. I almost wish it was winter though because the heat wipes me out. At least in the winter you can regulate your body temperature. I got my name on the list for when I have to go to graves next year. 9 months early. Jordan and Lloyd are due to come off in March I and I don’t want Jordan’s shift. I had enough of working every weekend when I did it a couple years ago. I think I will like graves especially if it’s Sunday through Thursday nights. Hell I’m up all night anyway if I don’t take a sleeping pill, might as well be getting paid for it. If I was working graves right now I would be halfway through my shift and most likely doing exactly what I’m doing now. Typing something on the blog on the laptop. I might even stay on when I am due to come off. I am a night person anyway.

I’m ready for football to start. I’m glad I don’t have to work the games this year because I just enjoy being able to watch them instead of missing everything. If you look above you can see I added a counter till the game starts. Well the sleeping pill is kicking in so I’m going to head to bed while I listen to Coast to Coast AM is playing in the background. Night.

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