I think I need to disconnect…

…from the internet a little bit. Sometimes I think it has become a little too ingrained in my life, you know what I mean? I mean it’s great for all kinds of things, communicating with friends around the world, researching anything that you want to know about (like who the actor was in that one movie from back in the day that you can’t remember the name of but it had that one guy in it that became kind of big in the late 90’s, you would recognize him if you saw him). I just think that I don’t really have the need to be so connected to the rest of the world, yet be so disconnected from the rest of the world at the same time. I have real time instant notification on my Blackberry of incoming e-mails and Facebook comments, yet there is nothing that is ever written that is important or wouldn’t have waited until checking it later. I’m not someone that the world needs access to 24/7/365, I’m just not that important. I’ve got 182 “friends” on Facebook, a lot of whom I haven’t seen physically in 15 years or more, and weren’t all that close to even back then, yet would have trouble finding someone to go do something with over the weekend. I am extremely knowledgeable on a lot of issues, yet use that knowledge by spending time and energy arguing with others through a computer screen in a dark room by myself at 3am instead of using that knowledge to engage in real life and make the world more the way I would like it to be. I guess I never was all that much of a people person, but I think I probably use it as a crutch, something to hide behind to avoid having to do the things that make me uncomfortable. I sometimes envy my friend Dave from the Air Force. He’s my age and to this day he still even have an e-mail address, much less a computer. He doesn’t spend all his time getting carpel tunnel, he goes and lives life. The irony is that I don’t keep in touch with him all that much anymore… because most of my communication in done over the computer. I know I’m not the only one that thinks about things like this… I can’t be the only digital shut in… can I? I think I’m going to try and get away from the computer a little bit, well a lot bit if I can. I can’t completely go cold turkey, I do have online classes after all, but I do think it would do me a lot of good to go out and experience some more life rather than living it through a 1440 x 900 screen.

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