I think I’m done with the Facebook.

I suspended my facebook account. Didn’t totally delete it yet so I guess it isn’t completely permanent but I think I’m done with it. Most of the people on there aren’t really my friends anyway, if I saw a good chunk of them in person I would avoid talking to them because I really have nothing to say to them or never really liked them in the first place. It’s stupid anyway and makes me more stupid just being on it. It just feeds on that moronic reality tv instinct that everyone seems to have where you need to see everyone’s most intimate details and feel the need to tell everyone all the most trivial things going on in your life. Ironic saying that on a blog where the whole purpose is to tell everyone all the trivial things going on in my life. I guess I just feel like too much information isn’t always a good thing. I don’t really need to know your thoughts and feelings on every single thing that pops into your head, just as you don’t need to know mine. I think it might be better that way since I can be a little over the top in making my argument when I strongly disagree with someone on an issue, which happens often since I have strong feelings that don’t coincide with the general consensus of a lot of the people where I live and I have very little tolerance for someone not being able to back up an argument. This leads to things being said that would never be said to someone’s face and hard feelings between people who I really got along with before for many other reasons. I think that things were a little better off when everyone didn’t have that soapbox to stand on to tell everyone their opinion on every damn thing that came into their head.

That being said… here’s some things that came into my head… My toilet has been out of order for going on 6 days now. 6 days you say? Yes, 6 days. Sunday morning it backed up and wouldn’t flush, I assume from Jessica dropping a giant deuce, but I can’t confirm that (disclaimer, not from Jessica’s giant deuce, everyone knows that girls don’t poop). She worked on it for a while with the plunger and got nothing, then she had me try it and I got nothing but water leaking out from under the toilet. Hmm needs a new wax gasket, no biggie, they cost a buck fifty but the big problem was there was no drainage. Luckily, the house drains don’t all connect into the same sewer line for whatever reason like in most houses, the toilet goes into it’s own line and everything else goes into a different line so we were still able to shower and wash clothes and do dishes, and pee. Yea we peed in the shower, don’t get all high and mighty, you have done it too. We really didn’t have any choice. Had to go crap in the park restrooms or at work, which is pretty inconvenient and, or, disgusting in the case of the park restrooms. Emailed the landlord and he said he would get someone out there the next day. Next day comes… nothing. The day after that I’m like “Hey where’s that plumber?” and he said “Oh sorry, he said he would be out yesterday, I’ll call him again.” Again nothing. “Oh I got a hold of him and he apologized for not coming, he’ll be out today.” Nothing. We call the plumber and leave a message. No response. Try to get a hold of the landlord. No response. Another day goes by, again try to contact them multiple times. Again no response. Well now we’re getting pissed. I go buy a snake and a super plunger hoping to take care of the problem myself. No joy from the super plunger, unless you count blowing more water past the wax ring and making more of a water mess on the floor. In goes the snake, 5… 10… 15… 20… 25 feet in. Nothing. Call a different plumber in Hickman and tell him what’s going on, he wants no part of it if I couldn’t get to it within 25 feet, probably something down the line like tree roots and he doesn’t have the equipment for that. Have to call someone in Lincoln who has the roto rooter equipment. So that’s where it stands right now. Since the landlord will no longer respond, now I have to get someone to come in to fix the damn thing, pay for it out of my pocket and then take it out of my rent which will of course cause an even worse rift with the landlord.

My Summer class ends today, I blew off the final paper because of lack of give a shitness. It doesn’t matter if I finish the class with an A or a B+ and I just don’t have it in me mentally right now to write a research paper. I would give anything to be done with school. I’ve got a few weeks off before the Fall semester and I think I’ve got a class about investments next. It looks like it will be horrible if you go by what skimming through the book looks like. Just like taking Statistics again. Maybe it will improve my propensity for buying high and selling low. I’ve already improved that actually, I made some mistakes early on that really hurt me that I learned from but I still haven’t totally recovered from it yet. I could have paid my car off with the money that I would still have if I had just buried my investment money in a jar in the backyard. You live and you learn I guess.

I’m taking a week of vacation in a few weeks before that next class starts because the next time I will have a break from class will be in December. I’m not going anywhere since Jessica can’t take time off work and she is bogged down in a big project that has her working longer hours. It’s just a staycation I guess, hopefully I come out of it feeling a little refreshed because I’ve been a little down lately.

2 thoughts on “I think I’m done with the Facebook.”

  1. Well, I’m sorry you’ve been a little down…you deserve a vacation! And I will miss your posts on fb, but I’ll be checking your blog more now. I like hearing about what goes on in your life, especially because I never see you. Maybe you should take a little drive and visit us on your vacation…I tried to visit you on mine, sorry that didn’t work out…anyway, I hope your vacation lifts your spirits up a little and you get your toilet fixed! OK, love ya, bye.

  2. We will be up sometime pretty soon when Evie has the baby so I can get some pictures taken with my nephew that will be embarrassing twenty years or so down the road because of my clothing and/or haircut and/or skinny body that no longer matches the fatbody I will have in twenty years. We’ll see about after that, you know how I hate making the trip down if there’s nothing going on, not because I’m avoiding seeing you guys, just because I hate Genoa.

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