I Voted Today.

Well I went down today and cast my ballot. It was really a last minute thing to tell you the truth, I wasn’t even planning on doing it at all but you know what? I’m sick of the way this country is going. Bush coming to Nebraska to stump for the Republicans is what did it. He only came here because in western Nebraska the Republicans are in real danger of losing a House seat for the first time in about 50 years. Well good they need to lose. The other guy is the better choice and I wish I was in that district to vote for him. I used to consider myself a strong Republican lean but over the years I find that they aren’t doing the things that I think is right. I am registered as an Independent because I am sick of all this partisan crap. I just want them to get something done. My views on all the issues now are a wide ranging mix of all the parties. Some things I agree with are on the far left, and some on the far right some in the middle. Thats the way I voted too. Some republican, some democrat. The big issue for me right now is that we need to get the hell out of Iraq. There is no way to win that war and it should have never been started in the first place. All the bullshit that the Bush administration spouts about fighting terrorists there is crap. All we are doing is breeding a whole new generation of terrorists. Why do you think 9-11 happened in the first place? Osama bin Laden hates America and organized the attacks because we had our troops in Saudi Arabia. You know Saudi Arabia? The home of Mecca the most holy place in the Muslim religion? So what good does occupying more countries in that area do? Nothing. It creates more terrorists and gets our troops killed over a civil war that we can never stop. Get our guys the hell out of there and let them kill each other. If they didn’t have oil there it wouldn’t be an issue. They would treat it like all the little countries in Africa who are in civil wars committing genocide on each other. We wouldn’t do a damn thing because they have nothing of value to offer us. You know what? That suits me just fine.

In other news I got promoted at work to Rep II. Got a raise that isn’t really that impressive when I get my check but it is something. Got the job as the order guy which was a real pain in the ass the first couple days I had it because Jason short-timed it his last couple weeks here before he left for is Assistant Line Manager job in Kansas City. There was a bunch of stuff that needed to be done that was due right away that I needed to take care of but it’s slowed down now.

School is going ok I suppose. Only like 4 more months of this crap before I get the academic transfer degree. At the same time I’ll be going to graves at work and have no school for a while so that will be nice.

Went to go see Legendary Lloyd and the Ramblin Bastards play the weekend before last at the Branched Oak Inn. Lloyd is one of the guys I work with. He puts on a good show that’s for sure. He opened for his old band Fourty Twenty and then sat in with them when they played at his old position at pedal steel guitar or whatever its called. Its where its laying flat on a stand and you sit and play it with a metal slide thing. I have no idea but he can play it pretty well.

Picked up a crapper load of t-shirts at goodwill on my way back from voting. I love picking through all the old shirts there and finding interesting ones. Of the more notable picks that I got today was Duke Lacrosse shirt. Heh. If you don’t know a bunch of players on the Duke lacrosse team are in jail for raping a stripper or something. I guess Duke fans don’t care for people wearing them because… well I guess they want to forget the incident. And it’s pretty tasteless actually. Right up my alley.

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