I was always here, where were you?

Sorry I haven’t really been posting that much readable material in the last couple weeks. I was working waaaayy to much there for a little while and I would say some sort of mental circuit breaker popped or something. I feel better now and am starting to get in the mood again to write some stuff. I worked absolutely no overtime in the last 2 weeks and to be honest I got a little bored. I wasn’t used to having so much free time. I spent a lot of the free time spending the money that I just made on stuff I really don’t need that much like AV piers, TV stands, remotes, and subwoofers. Oh well it’s not like it’s stuff I will be getting rid of in 2 months. It’s all stuff I will have for a long time so it’s not like they were terrible purchases.

I’m starting to get fat! I’m sure if you looked at me you would say, uhhh ok whatever, but I’ve gained like 15 pounds in the last couple of months since I quit smoking. I’m almost 180 pounds now and I have never weighed that much in my entire life. I know a lot of guys would kill to get down to 180 and are wondering what I’m worrying about but all I’m saying is that when you’ve been 163 pounds for 16 years straight and then in a 3 month period none of your pants fit anymore, well it’s kind of unsettling. For god’s sake I am seeing the beginnings of back fat! Gross!

Anyway I am struggling to start getting back into shape again. It is pretty frustrating and hard to get started since my body doesn’t want to move the way it used to. Yesterday morning I went out and rode the bike around the airport, through air park and then back home. It was 17.04 miles total. I know this because I got a handlebar mount for my GPS. It’s kind of a cool little gadget to have on a bike ride. It gives you something to look at for random useless info. Plus when you get back you can overlay the route that you took on a map. Here’s mine from yesterday.


Useful information? No not really, I suppose you can plan your route out on the map and then input it into the GPS to follow but what fun is that? It is pretty accurate though, if you zoom in on the map it can tell what side of the trail you were riding on on a 5 foot wide trail. I also went from 1122ft above sea level to 1294ft at various points during the ride. Ok ok, that’s boring. I am going to attempt to start running too. There is a 1 mile race next month that I am going to enter and various longer races throughout the next year that I can enter which eventually leads to the Lincoln Marathon next year. I don’t really want to enter the marathon, I was thinking of running the half marathon to be my goal. Don’t quote me on that though, I never really did like running that much because it hurts my knees too much. Running chicks are so freakin’ hot though.

I will cut today’s post short for now, I’m not near interesting enough to post everything all in one sitting. If I do there won’t be anything new to write about until next month. I will leave you with this link. Make yourself into a South Park character. Here’s mine:


Give it a try, make one of yourself wearing whatever you happen to be wearing at the time and send it to me and I will post it! (Save it by pushing the Print Screen button and then opening MS Paint and choosing Edit —> Paste on the menu. Then save it (as a .jpg file if possible) and send it to me!) It’s just stupid fun!

5 thoughts on “I was always here, where were you?”

  1. OK, I tried to send you mine…couldn’t find anywhere that I could put myself in some kind of room…so just have a white background. I hope it made it to you…it’s late at night and I’m tired, but it was fun seeing what I’d look like in South Park (LOL). g’night

  2. The backgrounds are under the area marked Back. After you click on that then you have to click on the right arrow to choose a background picture instead of just a solid color for the background. I posted yours on your site for you, I’ll put it on here too next time I post.

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