Oh man this is AWESOME! Remember that team triathlon I was in a few weeks back? I opened the mail this morning and I had a medal from it! This is so great it has to be fattening! Now I know what you’re thinking. How the fuck could you get a damn medal Steve? Didn’t your team finish 77th out of 84? Didn’t you average eleven and a half minute miles on your run? I’ll tell you how… I have no idea. Technically Jordan and myself got it for placing third in our division but as I look back to the results they posted that day we came in fourth out of four teams with the next closest team finishing almost forty minutes faster. But as I look at the sheet that came with the medal it has us third. William Preister and Jeremy Thorson from Omaha are missing. They must have failed the test for steroids or human growth hormone or whatever the Tour de France guys are using now. It matters not! A third place medal out of three based on a technicality is still a bronze. I’ll hang it with pride. HELL YEA!



4 thoughts on “I WON A FREAKIN’ MEDAL!”

  1. Coolest Cousin Carly

    That’s awesome you won a medal! Man, I don’t think I could even finish. Way to go! That mantage is freakin hilarious!!!

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