I wrote something…

Greetings All. It’s been like seven months since I’ve posted anything on this blog. I’ve been busy and also I’ve been a curmudgeon. I worked my season and it was fine and the entire time I just longed to be home with my boys. And now I am home for the winter…I think you are all caught up now.

The curmudgeon part of this relates to more of the question, why in the world does anybody really care at this point what is going on in my life. The excitement of a new baby and new marriage has fallen into a comfortable rhythm. I know the devote followers (hi mom) have interest in X’s molars popping through and that his first unassisted steps were taken just a week ago. Here is the thing though, I’ve got stuff I want to complain about. It’s not important stuff, in the grand scheme of things my complaints are more me just using my humor about the everyday. Let’s just point out the obvious right now, before anyone wants to blow sunshine up my ass, cause I’ve had just about enough of the brighter side…OF course there is always a brighter side. But it doesn’t change the fact that my conversation as of late is 80% geared toward a 15 month old whose vocabulary consists of Up, Apple, andGo Go Go. And my humor, which is one of my favorite parts of my identity, thrives with complaining and usually foul language.

Alexander and I joined a toddler gym. This has been a very wise investment because I have found this a convenient and quite beneficial socializing tool for both X and I. Yes, some might call it a rent-a-friend program…well, honestly I call it a rent-a-friend program…anyway, I get to talk to adults and X and I have had play dates with another mom and little girl from this place. This has worked out so much better then me trolling the mall play area, I call it mommy dating…you know, try to spark a conversation with a stranger mom and try to end the conversation with a play date. I’m not good at it, I think I come on too strong. Most of the mall moms would just ignore their kids and talk on their phones anyway, not my type.

The Sunday before Thanksgiving Steve, X and I went to this indoor play area in Lincoln. We all picked up a form of a low grade plague. Alexander got a cold, Steve got sinus crap and ear infection, and I’ve had a general form of ick for over two weeks now. Stop before you want to tell me things could be worse…I know they can, this is not terminal plague. However, in the small little bubble world I live in, it’s weighing on my last nerve. Three days ago I’d say I was back to 98% feeling good, by the next morning the sinus faucet got turned back on, then this morning when I went to get X a morning bottle so he could take his medicine (oh ya, X went to the pediatrician yesterday and he’s just starting an ear infection)I thought I was either going to puke or pass out. So, I laid on the floor for a while and moaned…that seemed to help.

So, now what…Christmas is coming. I love this time of year, I really do even though I haven’t done any shopping or made out any cards…well, let’s be honest here, I have lots of blank Christmas cards filled with good intentions of sending one day…one day…
Steve and I are looking forward to hosting our first Christmas dinner. I have a sort of Norman Rockwell glazed over vision of how I’d like things to go. The main one being we all sit at the same table. I believe I have this issue solved now, but before I got a beat on a table and chairs to borrow, I elected to share about my quandary to a mom at the gym. She put things in perspective by telling me that after visiting impoverished countries that it is important to be thankful for what you have. Yes, yes this is completely and utterly true, I know I am so fortunate to be blessed with my family and our new house and the Christmas china dishes I finally inherited and would like to use on ONE damn table where we all sit at, thanks for putting it in perspective. Of course my response was more like, “indeed”. Grant it, I like this mom a whole lot, I would love to hear about these visits to impoverished countries, perhaps a play date?

Ok, well, apparently my sweet boy, who is yelling APPLE from the crib wants lunch. Maybe I’ll write again soon, maybe not…so in case I don’t, happy holidays!

3 thoughts on “I wrote something…”

  1. Well Jessica, not everyone has kids at home and might love hearing about the molar and the messes and stresses of every day life! I love it and was very happy to read your post and know what you are doing. Thanks for sharing, and merry Christmas!
    I hope to see lots of pictures of your Christmas dinner, complete with those dishes. I got mine out for thanksgiving and sadly, I think that is all that I will get to use them–unless just Terry & I use them. Those are very precious and joyous occasions that you never want to take for granted…they do not last forever!

  2. I was entertained (to say the least) reading your post. Also I was very happy to hear that Alexander walked for the first time on my birthday! So glad that you joined the toddler group, gives you something to do. Looking forward to Christmas with you guys! I know you want it to be perfect, but with little kids around I don’t think that will be possible LOL. It will be more fun that way though. I really do need to hear more about that little grandson of mine though! I can’t hear enough about the grandkids, so e-mail me once in a while…or we do have skype ya know! I’d love to hear Alexander talking to me! OK, now that all of my complaining is done, we’ll see you in a few weeks! We love you guys! Bye.

  3. Hi Jessica, hey I love reading about what is happening with you and Steve and the baby, or maybe not so much a baby anymore, he is taking a step!!!. Hate missing out on Christmas in your home, but just not possible. GPW still can’t get around to good, and steps are completely out of the question. Manages outdoors using the ramp. Just so good he is home and able to get around with walker.
    Your friend is so right, don’t worry about “perfect” just enjoy having all together. There is usually something that will go wrong, something won’t turn out right, the lights on the tree burn out at the last minute, or something gets dropped. Its not what counts, having the people you love with you is what counts. You guys have a great day and will miss being there. Merry Christmas. Love ya GMW

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