I’m a jinx.

Jessica and I needed to go out and do something together since it had been about 4 months or so since we have gotten out to do anything. The last 2 months after X was born and at least a couple months before that because she was working full time and was wiped out by the time she got home and just wanted to get her feet up to make the swelling go down and rest. I thought it would be fun to go to a Nebraska game since I haven’t gone in a long time and she has been wanting to go to one as well. I went on stubhub and picked up a pair of seats on the 50 yard line up in the nosebleeds for the Northwestern game. I wanted to pick one that I was pretty sure that we would win because every time I go to a game we lose and it sucks to go through all the trouble and money that it takes to go to a game and then end up losing it. I also sprang for the better seats because I’m sick of sitting in the end zone every time. Our friend Shellie agreed to watch Xan for us while we went which was awesome. We don’t really have any sort of daycare right now and no family all that close who could watch him so getting out of the house alone is an issue. Thankfully he was a real good baby the whole time for her and was in a real good mood, being smiley and agooey instead of being a crabby baby. The better seats were definitely the way to go, we had a great view of the whole game and in the future I will definitely go that route again. My friend Adam was in the crew of the KC-135 that did the flyover and he got to come out on the field and get on the big screen which was neat. Someone that Jessica went to school with was one of the military people that was featured as well who sent greetings from Afghanistan via video. Small world huh? Anyway the game was fun, it would have been a lot better if the team hadn’t come out and laid an egg though. For once Taylor Martinez didn’t stink up the place and cost us the game, but everyone else did instead. I still hate Taylor Martinez though. They kept coming close to taking the lead and then they would give it away again. We ended up leaving when Northwestern went up by 10 with a minute left or so. When Nebraska scored with 20 seconds left I thought for sure that it was going to be an amazing comeback, recovering the onside kick and scoring a field goal to tie it and then winning in quadruple overtime or something, then we would have to tell everyone that we missed it because we left. It didn’t happen though, we lost to a crappy team. I guess I am a jinx because every time I go to a game we lose… ok that’s not true I guess because I went to the Alamo Bowl when we were underdogs to Michigan and we won there, they have lost the last 3 I’ve gone to though. There is still a chance to go to the B1G Championship game, although we no longer control our own destiny which sucks. We need to win out and Michigan State needs to lose again, which is unlikely because all State has left on their schedule are cupcakes while we have the leaders of the East division to play. It could get ugly. It will take a while to get used to the B1G, there are more decent teams top to bottom than there are in the Big 12, but that just means that everyone beats up on each other and looks good but not great. Then no one contends for the National Championship. Next year we are discussing going to the Michigan St. away game since we have friends who live in the area and are State fans so we could have a place to stay. We are also looking into going to the Penn State home game with Jessica’s sister and her husband since they live in Pittsburgh and want to see the game. We will see I guess.

1 thought on “I’m a jinx.”

  1. Well, no matter if they won or lost, you had a good time on your date with your honey! Believe me, if you lived closer you could ask me to watch the baby anytime…but as it is, I’ll see him when I can. Love you guys, bye.

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