I’m an uncle!

Yay! I’m an uncle. My brother Adam and his girlfriend had their baby last night, Vaughn William Korgie. I don’t have any pictures or news or anything. My mom called and woke me up at noon when nothing was happening yet and then I haven’t heard anything since. The only reason that I know anything at all is because I didn’t completely delete my facebook account and looked on there to see if anything was happening. EDIT – I got a few pictures from my mom so here they are.

I wanted to go up this evening to see the new baby but it didn’t work out because I didn’t get to bed until real late, I had to take Jessica to the doctor because she got hundreds of tick bites from a bunch of baby ticks. She must have walked through them at work and they spent their time happily biting away for quite some time before they were noticed. Now she’s got bites EVERYWHERE and is in itchy agony and is pretty much unable to sleep. She was better later today after she got the pills from the doctor. They took blood to test for lyme disease though so hopefully that comes back as negative. The whole experience reaffirms my belief that this country needs single payer health care for everyone. It’s ridiculous that how much money it costs just to walk in the door when you don’t have health insurance even for simple things that are easily treated, it’s no wonder that poor people don’t go in to get anything looked at until things get out of hand and cost a hundred times more to fix it. I don’t think that’s being a socialist or any other asinine name you wish to call it, it’s being a realist. I go with what has been proven to give better results for less money. Anyway I might have to wait until next week when I go on vacation before we head down to Columbus because there isn’t a lot of time to go down there when I’m working.

Has anyone seen the show “The Colony”? It’s where they simulate a worldwide disaster and you have to do what you can to survive. I am quite certain that these people are the stupidest people on the face of the earth and would be dead within a couple weeks if a disaster really happened. These twits waste their clean drinking water washing their hair and piss away 3 days rendering dead pigs into a gallon of biodiesel in order to charge some batteries for power tools and electric lights that will be dead within a few hours of use. Power tools? How about the hammer and nails and hand tools that you are using to build this whole half assed setup in the first place? How about starting a fire if you need light? They waste all their time with pointless things instead of finding, oh I don’t know… food? They act like the canal is made of hydrochloric acid and piss away half a day building a bridge to cross it so they can run a crappy net across it to catch exactly zero fish instead of maybe using, oh lets see here, all the freaking fishing gear that they found? How about you just jump in the water and wade across the twenty foot wide canal if you want to get to the other side? It has the side benefit of also washing some of the grime off you that you are constantly crying about. Anything that they do end up getting is promptly stolen by gangs of marauding people because they spent no time at all preparing to defend themselves. I’m quite certain that if it was real and I was in this group I would kill these people in their sleep and take everything that they had so they wouldn’t end up getting me killed with their stupidity. It would be all Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome up in this mother. WHO RUNS BARTERTOWN? MASTER BLASTER!

2 thoughts on “I’m an uncle!”

  1. Yeah, your nephew is home now…I sent you some pictures and a small video…the baby’s head is re-shaping itself after being more cone-head shaped right after birth (all babies’ heads are like that the first day, ha). He is just adorable. I’m such a proud grandma! Evie did great, and Adam didn’t pass out! Make sure you let us know when you’re coming to visit him, and your dad and I would like to see you guys too if it works out. Tell Jess I hope she feels better and the bites clear up! Lyme Disease is no fun, that’s what your grandpa bruhn had/has for quite a while now…caused a lot of health problems for him…anyway I’ll try to keep you posted on Vaughn (if you want to know something specific, e-mail Adam I suppose). ok, love ya, bye.

  2. I’m not sure yet, Jess is going to come too and I don’t know what days she has off yet. She is feeling better after we went to the doctor. She got Amoxicillin to knock out any possible lyme disease threat and some other pill that… well I don’t know what it does, knocks out the inflammation and itching or something. Since it happened while at her job she is filing for workman’s comp to cover the costs.

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