I’m Back!

Well I got back from Texas last night at about 10:30 and went and got the dog from Katie’s house. She said he was pretty good, he only pooped in the house twice. Overall the trip was pretty fun although there are parts that I could do without. We started off from Lincoln at about 7:50 in the morning on Monday and started south through Wichita, Oklahoma City, Dallas and down to Houston. We stopped just outside of Dallas at a Denny’s to get something to eat and I got to have the worst waitress I have ever experienced. I dont know if her parents gave her dryer rides wehn she was a baby or what but she was slow and dumb. She though adam wanted brown gravy on his hamburger. She ended up screwing up all three of our orders and dad still gave her a tip. I wouldnt have given her shit. By the time we got to Houston it was midnight and I was ready to get a room. No such luck though. Dad had his mind set on going to Corpus Christi to see the ocean. I tried to explain to him that Houston was on the same ocean and had the same islands that he wanted to see but it was a no go. We started fown towards Corpus Christi on the back roads along the coast instead of taking a faster main road which would have been fine if it was daytime and we could see the scenery. It was the middle of the night though and it was kind of a pain in the ass because the roads weren’t well marked. We ended up stopping at some wildlife refuge to catch a nap for a little bit at about 4 or 5 in the morning and I got out of the car and slept in the dirt because my back hurt so bad. About an hour later when they woke me up to go again I was all wet from the dampness in the air. I fell right back asleep though and was woken up at like 7:30 when we finally got to Padre Island in Corpus Christi.

We drove along the beach in the car and stopped and fed the seagulls some bread and looked at the ocean. Dad kept telling us to go swimming but the water didn’t look that great with all the garbage and crap washing up on it. It was still kind of nice to see though. It reminded me of lining in Charleston. After we got done with the beach we went out to see the USS Lexington which is a WWII carrier. It was ok to tour. It wasn’t as fun as it would have been had it been the first time I was looking at one but there is one just like it docked in Charleston that I have seen before. If I remember right there is also a submarine there that you can tour too. After the tour of the carrier we finally got a motel room and I took liek a 3 hour nap. Lucky me, my room was the only one that smelled like pee. None of the lights worked and the cable was messed up so I couldnt watch espn to see the bowl game that was on. It was good enough for sleeping in though if you are tired enough. After the nap we drove around the town a little bit and then got a pretty good dinner and went back to the motel to get a good night’s sleep.

Six in the morning we were on our way to San Antonio and got there by about 8:30 or so. After a few wrong turns we got ourselves orientated and found out where our motel was and ate breakfast at where else? Denny’s again. It was ok this time though. After eating we went and found the Alamo and went to the riverwalk. The Riverwalk is a really nice area to go into. It is a lot prettier than I remember it being when I went there in 97. Tons of resturants and shops. You can walk forever and not walk the whole thing. We didn’t make it all the way on the whole thing. At about lunch time we stopped and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe. It took about an hour before we could even get a seat. The food was good though. The Riverwalk was packed with people by that time and you could hardly move and get anywhere. Most of them seemed to be husker fans. After lunch we walked around some more and made our way back to the hotel room so we could rest up for a little bit before the game. Layed around the hotel for a couple hours and then headed for the game.

I’m tired of typing for now so… TO BE CONTINUED. Check the photos area for pictures from the trip.

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