I’m back!

I’ve been meaning to write something new for about 4 or 5 days now but I’ve been either busy or just plain not in the mood to write anything when I had a chance. Sorry about not really writing anything for a while, I was in a really shitty mood there (undiagnosed mental disorder I’m sure) and I just didn’t have the desire to mess with this stupid site. I picked up a bunch of overtime again so I can pursue the almighty dollar in my free time. I don’t really care about getting money for the most part but I am going to be needing some cash in the semi near future and I’ve got the vast majority of my cash flow tied up losing my ass in the stock market.

The first thing that I need some money for is that I am going to need to move here in the semi near future. It’s not like I have to “get out” real soon. I don’t need to be out until after the winter but I put my name on the list to get into the one of the apartments that allows dogs at Folsom Ridge which is pretty close to where I live now and is a pretty nice place to live. Well nicer than Ruskin Place anyway. It’s such a pain in the ass to have a dog sometimes. Anyway I will need money for deposit and all the other costs involved with moving and I want to get some new kick ass couches like the ones Kasey bought. Hopefully we can work something out where I can just buy those from him but if not I will get them new.

The other thing I need to get some money for soon is the $250 for my ticket. Ticket to what you say? TO THE FREAKIN’ USC GAME! It should be a very very wild game that’s for sure. USC will be #1 (unless they somehow manage to lose to Idaho), and we will hopefully be undefeated and most likely ranked in the #15ish range at the time (if we can get by Wake in an away game). It’s going to be a night game so there will be plenty of lubrication for the fans and the weather should be a good temperature so it’s going to be completely nuts in that stadium. Hopefully the home town crowd will be enough to push us over the top or at least make it close and competitive. I think we can win it. I have to remember not to drink as much as I did when I went to the Notre Dame game a few years ago though. I don’t need to spend $250 on a ticket to be blacked out and piss my pants and get in fistfights with cars. I can do that at home for free!

I’ve managed to commit myself to compete in the Platte River Team Triathlon on September 30th. Basically you have 2 team members. Team member 1 runs 9k (5.6 miles to you Americans), both team members canoe 7k (4.4 miles), then team member 2 bikes 20k (12.4 miles). You would think that I would be the team member that does the biking right? I mean that would only make sense since I have never really done any running in my entire life other than basic training and I really hate doing it with a passion. Plus I was doing some biking there for a while. It only makes sense then that I would be team member 2… Fuck no, I’m team member 1 and basically volunteered myself to do a 10k. Shit. Well I’m not looking forward to it at all but I’ve been meaning to start running for a while now but I haven’t been able to get the motivation together to get started on my own. Now I’m pretty much on the hook and I have to start training or else I won’t be able to finish when race day comes and I also can’t back out without screwing my teammate over. I have just enough time to start a beginners training regimen and be ready by race day.

Let’s see… what else is going on. The beard contest is on! Well not yet. Myself, Hoop, New Jordan and possibly Chuck are going to go huge starting on October 1. By the end of the winter we are going to look like the guys in 300. I’m gonna make myself a pizza box shield and go around kicking random people in the chest while screaming “THIS IS SPARTA!” Hoop already informed his girl that he’s not cutting it until they get married which I think is in Mayish. Awesome.

That’s all for now, my sabbatical from the site is over and I’ll try to update the site a few times a week or so.

3 thoughts on “I’m back!”

  1. I really can’t wait to be a Spartan. We should lift weights or something so that we actually look the part. I’m looking most forward to saying “SPARTANS, PREPARE FOR GLORY!!!” Oh, and the chest kicking too.

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