I’m back from my writing hiatus!

Not that anyone is going to notice since it has been almost exactly 6 months since my last real post on here and anyone who checked my blog on any kind of semi regular basis stopped doing it long ago. In fact I checked the visitor log and I have had a total of zero visitors in the last 30 days. Oh well, new posts on here get syndicated on Facebook as well so maybe that will jump start my readership again. The only real thing that will do that is to post semi-interesting things on a semi-regular basis. Let’s see if I can get semi-interesting in a hurry which is a long shot. I spent a little while tonight doing a small refresh of the look and feel of the site. Nothing major really, small color tweaks for the most part.

I guess the biggest change that has happened since I was posting on a regular basis is that I moved to a house in Hickman, Nebraska with my girlfriend Jessica. It’s an older place, kind of a dump in some aspects but its good enough for a rental I guess. I like not living in an apartment in some ways and I miss it in others. I love not being attached to anyone else’s place on three sides and I love having a parking space that’s always open. I miss having people to mow the yard and clean the snow off the sidewalks for me, I really miss the cheaper utility bills and the shorter drive to work but I like the small town feel while still being close enough to a larger city so you can do things. All in all I think I came out way ahead, mostly because of Jessica because she treats me way better than I deserve.

I’ve decided to try and run the full marathon again after not making it last year for various reasons. I still think that the best distance for me is a half marathon or shorter but I really want to finish at least one full marathon just to say that I have done it. I just started a five month training schedule for the Lincoln Marathon in May and let me tell you that it really sucks since I’ve basically been sitting on my ass since Jessica and I ran the Omaha half at the end of September. Painful.

I’m going to leave it there for tonight, don’t want to do too much on my first post back from hiatus and lose my inspiration to write. I’m not that freakin’ interesting ya know.

1 thought on “I’m back from my writing hiatus!”

  1. Welcome back from hiatus Steve. It was really nice meeting Jessica at the Korgie Christmas. She seems awesome! It’s a good thing she reeled you in!

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