I’m Back! Part 2

It was kind of a pain in the ass getting over to the game. There were so many people going to the same place it seemed like we would never get going again. Finally me made it to the stadium and made it in to the game. I didn’t realize that I bought seats in the nosebleed section. They were pretty far up there and by the time that we got up there I was pretty tired. Not that they were bad seats that didn’t have a good view anyway but I would have liked to get something closer. Right around our seats were a bunch of Michigan people which kind of sucked because we were in the Nebraska hald of the stadium. I wish they would have sat on the other side because there were plenty of open seats over there. They were all talking crap about Nebraska and acting all elite like a bunch of jerks. We watched the bands do their thing until it was time for the game to start.

Once the game started our side was really rocking, especially when we scored first. I don’t know how many times some chant got going but it was pretty much for the whole game. The only time they took the crowd out of it for a little bit is when they went up 14-7 in the first half after Zac’s 2 interceptions and when they went up 28-17 in the second half. I dont think that the Michigan fans got more than 10 good chants going the whole game. They didn’t seem that into it, like they were too good to be there. I was making noise like a madman trying to cheer the team on but Dad and Adam just sat there with their arms crossed not making a sound. I told them they should have stayed in the hotel and watched the game in the room. I was all squashed in my seat by some 260 pound muscle guy sitting next to me taking up half my seat in the second half. That sucked. The ending of the game was all messed up on that final desperation hook and ladder crap that Michigan did in the last seconds. I’m glad that someone on our team stayed on the ball and knocked them out of bounds before they scored because that would have been bullshit if they won it that way. By the end of the game I was completely exausted. My hands hurt from clapping, I was almost losing my voice, and my stomach was cramping up from all the yelling. It was an AWESOME game to see in person. Out of all the bowl games that I have seen Nebraska play in my lifetime I would have to rank this one as #3 right behind the 95 and 94 bowl games when we won the national championship. I put it ahead of the 97 national championship game. I’m so glad that I went to this one even though I almost didn’t because I thought we would probably get killed.

After the game there were a lot of happy huskers headed down to the riverwalk to drink. We went back to the hotel though because we didn’t feel like fighting the crowds and paying 6 bucks for a drink. I didn’t feel much like drinking anyway. I rarely do anymore to tell you the truth. We left the next morning to head back to Nebraska at about 8:20ish It was a long drive back again but it didn’t seem near as long as the trip down there. Dad actually told me about his time in the military which he never has before. We never really were big talkers. I knew that he was in but that was all. He had a lot of pretty cool stories to tell about it. To sum it up he was kind of a badass. He said there are some pictures around that grandma had of him jumping out of an airplane and other stuff from that time but he doesnt know where they are. I would actually like to get copies of some of that stuf before it disappears off the face of the earth forever. I am thinking that Joe might have them because he has a ton of old pictures from grandma and grandpa on his site. Dad said yea that is a good possibility but he thinks that a lot of them might be on slides and he might not know what it is a picture of. I might have to run those down sometime.

All in all I would give the trip a 7 out of 10. A lot of the things I have seen before but it was still something to do to get me away from work and the apartment. It was a good time.

1 thought on “I’m Back! Part 2”

  1. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself on the trip. I never would have made it that far with my back hurting. The longest trip I took was to Council Bluffs and my back was hurting about an hour into the trip. Anyway, glad you had fun! Love ya, Mom

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