I’m fatter than I’ve ever been..

… in my entire life, and no this is not Jessica posting this talking about her baby weight which is perfectly normal, it’s Steve talking about his sympathy food baby which is not. Last weekend I actually felt like I was going to split at my skin seam if there was such a thing. I might have developed a stretch mark. In the last couple years I’ve put on right at 40 pounds and it’s all fat and I feel like crap. The problem is that I have basically stopped working out and I eat a bunch of junk all the time. Well that has got to stop because I don’t feel good. I want to see my grandchildren graduate college. It’s on like Donkey Kong! I’m going to drop 24 pounds to get down to my goal weight of 180. That’s about 16 pounds more than where I sat at naturally for about a decade but the consensus was that I was a little too skinny at that weight. I’ve started running again and I’m going to run the Lincoln Half Marathon next week whether I’m trained for it or not. I probably won’t be running for most of it, I’ll do the run/walk method and even then it will hurt like hell but I paid for the damn race and there’s a lot of people who would like my spot since it sold out so I might as well do it instead of wussing out and skipping it. A couple weeks after that I signed up for the Lucky Bucket run which is a 7k trail race. I need a funny outfit to wear to that one, don’t know what I’m going to go with yet. Hopefully my ankle stays workable since that’s what stopped me a couple months ago. My big problem isn’t working out though, it’s watching what I eat. My body survives on a mixture of concentrated high fructose corn syrup and congealed saturated fat and it’s really starting to catch up with me the older I get. I also have a big problem with portion size. I spent a couple days tracking everything I ate and I was surprised about how fast I could reach the amount of calories I wanted to eat for the day because like a good number of Americans I stuff my stupid face until I can’t eat another bite. Anyway I’m back out there and I’ve dropped a couple pounds already. I’m sure I will see an ab any day now.

Congratulate Jessica! Why? She’s debt free for the first time since 1993! Congratulate us both actually since it became “our” debt when we got married. Before we got married I’ve been debt free since 2006. Anyway, goodbye student loan! $8286.55 paid off in just over 3 months time. We shall now focus our combined resources on a down payment on a house… and investments… and retirement… and college for as yet unborn Steven (NAME) Korgie Jr. Thought I was going to give away the name didn’t you? Yea, it’s been decided. He’s going to be a Junior but will go by the middle name so we both don’t go “What?” when mom yells when one of us pees all over the toilet seat. Calling me Senior will be encouraged however. I’ll let Jessica spill what it is when she wants to since she giggled evilly over all the record number of people who looked at the website to see what it was in her last post. It isn’t anything crazy, it’s a solid name. She came up with it and I didn’t reply with “meh” like most of the others (she replied with “meh” to a lot of mine too).

5 thoughts on “I’m fatter than I’ve ever been..”

  1. Great post, and a GIANT CONGRATS to you both for being debt free and having such mature goals! Sooooo very smart. Happy Easter, kids!

  2. Hmmm … Sounds like it will definately be “Big” Steve and “Little” Steve. Doesn’t his name need to be Steven Paul in order to be a Jr.?

    P.S. … You could rock the Lucky Bucket as Captain Underpants (google here) unless Joe already has that in mind. It would be both cheap AND entertaining!


  3. Jessica Korgie

    Well, technically the middle name would need to be the same for a junior. But, we aren’t royalty and definitely not aristocrats or popes. So, in my book, having the same first name is good enough for his daddy to call him junior if he wants to. That is why we are naming him Steven Tawd Korgie.

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