I’m gonna dunk all over you baby!

Well I spent the weekend getting everything all unpacked and put away off and on and I got most of it done. All I’ve got left is all that stuff that really doesn’t get used all that often but you can’t throw away. Things like my high school yearbook! I completely hated high school and I’m barely in the yearbook except for this picture.


Yea baby! I’m dunkin’ all over everyone! 1994 forever! The “noon ball” thing refers to the basketbrawl games that we used to play over the noon hour in the wintertime. No rules no holds barred basketball. If you were one of the underclassmen you had to skip your lunch in order to get in the game. That was back when I was in pretty good shape and had a little bit of game. It’s pathetic now, I’m embarrassed when I even try to play now because I suck so bad. I threw my back out again last week and none of my pants fit anymore. I hate getting older.

Link of the day from my brother Pat. It’s actually harder than I thought it would be.

9 thoughts on “I’m gonna dunk all over you baby!”

  1. I too have been known to play with my balls around the noon hour. I don’t get how your pants don’t fit because you threw out you back. Did your lower back/ass region swell up or what? Nice test. I made it to the part where you have to click the green button asap. I was too slow and quit. Was that the end? Anyway, you got mad hops bro. (I think I see a footprint in that mat on the wall)

  2. I saw a Nebraska personalized plate that said “Korgie” on it today. You know in Kansass you can put whatever on the front of your car. I bet it was one of your cousins. It was a real old school looking plate. I was driving home from work and it was on a small pickup right by the airport. I thought you said you had family that lived real close to the airport. Anyway. Just thought I would let you know. Happy Thanksgiving Stevo. I hate it when people say turkey day. Hope to see you soon. Jayballs outy 5000. i really don’t know how to spell outy. and i’m sure you don’t care about my “turkey day” thought, but it is that time of year. go Polini

  3. It was most likely on a vehicle owned my my aunt and uncle who live right under the runway of your airport and was probably one of my grandpas old plates that he used to have on his car back in the day. My parents have one of them too only theirs is attached to the fence when you enter their driveway.

  4. Yeah, talking about footprints on the backmat…ask him about chipping a tooth in grade school going up against a wall when playing basketball… Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I chipped that same tooth a number of times. The first time was with the wall in grade school but I don’t believe I was playing basketball at the time. I did break that same one playing ball but it was from an elbow to the mouth.

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