I’m hating my job.

I’m really starting to hate my freaking job. It is so boring now that I have learned how to do most everything. I was running this stupid 5500 piece order for Harrah’s all day that is so slow to run. Plus there’s no one who can take over for me so I can have a break because the other press operator (my friend Joe) is in jail in Nebraska City for 10 days for DUI, and the production manager doesnt want to run it so.. well he doesn’t have to. That’s a perk of being a manager huh. I got my passport in the mail the other day. It came a lot sooner than I thought it would. The picture is just awful because when I had it taken at Walgreens when I was on lunch it was 110 in the shop and I was just nasty.

I need to make a list of the things I want to accomplish in my life and what I have to do to get there. I’m back in a major rut going nowhere again and I’m not liking it. I guess at the core if it I am fundamentially lazy. I am getting pretty sick of life passing me by and people that are way younger and dumber getting the good things out of life.

I put up most of the pictures that I had on my computer (well not the porn) into the pictures section if anyone wants to take a look. There’s like 25 of them. I need to do something exciting so I have something else to put up there.

7 thoughts on “I’m hating my job.”

  1. ‘Bout time you updated this thing. Interesting set of pictures. Infatuated with the dog much? I’ll agree I don’t know how Glenz got that girl either — he seemed pretty vapid most of the time.


  2. What in the??? Woul anyone actually use the word vapid in a general discussion? I mean, c’mon… really??? Vapid!!! That’s just absolutly vapid baby. What kind of a nutcase would actually want to know what that word meant? Ok, at least words like quagmire and plethera sound cool (thanks Dave). But vapid sounds like I’m going to rapidly evaporate while doing the butt floss move with the towel.

  3. Yea I dont know what vapid means either. As Dave would say “Manee you are such a friuty ass.” He also has a new one that I liked. “Ringa dinga doo” It was in one of his 8 minute, 5am drunken voicemails where he sings.

  4. Vapid:

    1. Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull: vapid conversation.
    2. Lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat: vapid beer.

    Whatever you do with your towels is your business…. :-P

  5. Nice picture section Steve!!! Manee WTF??? I’ll have to send you the classic Nascar photo for ya. How was the trip BTW???

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