I’m home.

Well just got home from Ben and Stacy’s house. He was having another poker party. I only had a few beers because I need to be able to get up in the morning and TRY to get something done. I really really felt like getting drunk but I was good. I was pretty boring too, wasn’t feeling particularly full of energy. Stopped over at my cousin Josh’s house for a bit since he lives right across the street. We talked about getting together and doing something sometime but that most likely won’t happen because whenever I am free he is on call or working or whatever like usual. Microbiology lab tomorrow. I hate that class already and it’s only been a couple weeks.

Well I’ve been at Duncan Aviation for over a year now. Just got a copy of my review to look at in my email at work and it was surprisingly good. Not surprising because I’m especially shitty at my job or anything, surprising because Tim wrote it and he never seems to write a good review for anyone. None that I’ve really heard of anyway. Hopefully it translates into more money which I need.

I keep hearing about people at work reading this thing. I assume they first heard about it from Chuck and it spread from there. Damn that ham strings a guy doesn’t it? What if I want to bitch about somebody? Hope I didn’t type in anything in the past year that will bite me in the ass down the road. Screw it. If someone takes the time to read all 175 posts back to May 2004 then they deserve… Well I don’t know what. I guess they deserve a medal for making it through the 150 posts where I am saying I need to get something done but I’m not or I’m not getting laid or whatever dreck I happened to write that day to get to something interesting.

I have to miss the spring game on the 15th. I was looking forward to going to that. I have class that day. I was going to skip it but there’s a test that day that I can’t make up. Well I technically can make it up if I give like a 15 minute speech with posters and slides and crap but I’ll be damned if I’m going to do that. I hate giving speeches so much. At least this year I don’t have to work on game days so I can watch football all day on Saturdays like I like to do.

The apartment maintenance people are coming in AGAIN “sometime” in the next week. I am really getting sick of this shit. Inspections for the fire inspector, inspections for the new owners, inspections for this and that. It drives me insane. It’s my biggest pet peeve of all to have random people coming into my place and farting around in my shit when I’m not here. It’s worse yet when I am here and trying to sleep and the dog goes apeshit because he hears an “intruder” and then won’t quit barking and go back to sleep after they leave. He thinks he’s a big badass guard dog. Yea right. Half the time I come home and I have to poke him in the head under the covers before he even realizes someone is here. I need to get a real house to live in. My own house with a yard. 6 more years until my credit is restored and I can get a loan again. Unfortunately by then home prices will have tripled and I still won’t be able to afford it.

I probably have more I could write about but I can’t think of it right now. Things come up a lot of times but by the time I actually have a minute to sit down and put them on here I’ve forgotten what they were. For now I’ll call it a day.

4 thoughts on “I’m home.”

  1. Feeling a little censored are we? I think about that when I’m writing on my blog too, but I don’t think anyone at my work knows about mine…at least I home not!

  2. i like your attitude about piss on those who i may someday or do talk shit about. more power to ya for having this sort of outlet. if only i had the internet at home i would probably do the same thing. only 2 months till wedding and my internet privledges. look at me. venting on your space. damn co-workers. get your own space.

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