I’m still here…

No Jessica didn’t murder me in my sleep in an attempt to take over my blog, I’ve just been busy. I thought she might like to write some things on here as well since she is the aspiring writer in the family, plus it keeps me from having to come up with something interesting to say so often (I have the personality and social life of a wet mop). I’ve been picking up overtime lately to pay these bills, those bills, and the bills that I haven’t received or incurred yet. You know, trying to stay financially solvent when the new baby gets here so we don’t have to feed it cat food (I wouldn’t really give the baby cat food, that stuff costs a fortune!). I’m also trying to retire Jessica’s student loan before the birth as well and so far the projections say that we will make that happen about 3 weeks before the due date. That’s quite the painful financial hit right now but we will be much better off with it gone, debt is slavery, unless it’s good debt like a mortgage on a house that you aren’t moving out of any time soon. I doubt she remembers what it’s like not to have student loan payments since she graduated college in 1997 (she’s still 29 years old of course, she just graduated college at a young age, like Doogie Howser).

School is still kicking my ass a little bit, I’m not doing bad in them or anything, I think I have over 100% in both right now, almost finishing one and halfway through another. I just have no interest in the material so it’s extremely difficult to get motivated. If I wasn’t so close to graduating I would just stop going because I really don’t have much interest in most of the jobs that I could get with the degree, I’m just finishing it to have that Bachelors degree on the resume at last I guess. After a lot of thought I applied for admission into the Computer Information Technology program at Southeast in the Fall which is what I should have done in the first place I guess. I did a lot of thinking about what do I “like” to do and that is the only thing that I have ever found interesting and challenging. I just got burned out on everyone constantly asking me to fix all their stuff for free all the time without even a thank you afterward that I just stopped doing it. You don’t go up to a guy who does carpentry for a living and tell them “I want you to build me a new deck by tomorrow, but I don’t want to pay for materials or give you anything for doing it.”, and expect to anything but a great big up yours as a response, but that’s what people would do to me when it came to computer stuff and not give it a second thought. I didn’t know how to say no or have people compensate me appropriately for the valuable skills I was offering and it sucked the joy out of doing it. As I’ve gotten older I’ve remedied that by only taking on the things that I had an interest in learning about anyway, only helping out the people who have been willing to show me kindness or help me when I needed help, or just plain told them to piss off and go google it and fix it themselves. That seems to have fixed the problem. I just want to follow the old adage, “Do what you love to do and you’ll never work a day in your life”.

My wedding ring is finished! Just waiting to get it back in the mail. I had it custom made from a 200 year old silver 50 cent piece. 50 years or so before the Civil War and about 35 years or so after the founding of the country. I think that was more than a day’s wages back then. It took a little while to find an acceptable coin that didn’t cost a fortune, I found one that had been improperly cleaned so collectors didn’t want it as much. That didn’t matter to me since I was basically going to “destroy” it by having the center drilled out and making it into a ring anyway. It’s much more meaningful and interesting this way anyway instead of being tucked away somewhere in a hermetically sealed plastic case, never to be touched again. Jessica decided to use her mother’s ring that we used in the ceremony after looking forever for something that suited her (that’s why I had her choose instead of buying one and giving it to her, she’s impossible when it comes to jewelry). Anyway I think it turned out pretty nice, I’m excited to wear it.

4 thoughts on “I’m still here…”

  1. That’s really a great idea for your ring Steve, I never would have thought of that! It looks like it turned out really nice. I’m glad that you’ll be out of debt so soon, but are you thinking about looking for a house someplace to buy?

  2. Oh eventually we want to get a house somewhere but not yet. Whenever we get a place we are going to stay there for a long time so I want to make sure our lives are where we want them to be and not be wanting to sell the place a year later. I would kind of like something like where we are at now with a big garage and yard, still close to town etc. I want something with a full basement though, where we are now only has a small basement and it would take a lot of work to make the space usable.

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