I’m tired of work

What a long week last week was. Seemed like I was there every waking minute. I know I’m going to open my paycheck for it and think… “This amount of money isn’t worth that amount of work.” The only reason I am still there is because I am doing a co-op employment class that I need to graduate in December. Otherwise I would be gone. As soon as I graduate I am going to apply at Duncan Aviation here in Lincoln. Kasey and a lot of the other people that I know are trying to get me to join the Air Guard. The money is a couple dollars better per hour but I would be in the military again and that thought doesn’t sound that good to me. Hell Kasey is in the guard and where is he at for the next month? Turkey. Screw that. In the civilian world I might go to… Detroit. I’ll take the Motor City over some hot desert full of backwards people any day. The only way I will extend my stay at ScreenCo is if I get the production manager job if the guy that currenty has it quits. Even then I wont be there when next summer comes because it is too damn hot.

Huskers are at the top of the Big 12 North. We need to beat Iowa St. and Colorado to seal the deal. We can still lose to Oklahoma (which we will) and make it. Don’t worry Chris, aTm can still win the South if they win out. They will have a tougher time though. Oklahoma at home and Texas away will be tough. Don’t forget Texas Tech there in the middle too. They waxed us 70-10. That game made me sick. Good luck there man. If they are on tv here I will watch and root for em.

1 thought on “I’m tired of work”

  1. Yeah, no more military…you could do good working maintenance on planes like you did in the military…I’d visit you in the motor city.

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