Is that the baby or gas?

Greetings all.  Hope everyone is having a fine day.  My day has had an interesting start.  I woke to dreams of advising my child about life, teaching those life lessons in the form of cliches passed down for generations.  I could see myself, feel myself, speaking the words to my child but the child was not in view.  Even though I knew the child was there,  I wasn’t able to reveal to myself if the child was a girl or a boy.  My own intuition is toying with me.

When I was lying there thinking about the dream I had, I felt a flutter in my belly.  Now I’ve read that I could perhaps feel the baby move by week fourteen and that sensation could be mistook as gas.  I’d like to think that it was Baby K reassuring me it’s still alive.  I’ve been having a slight fear that my body has reabsorbed Baby K – I shouldn’t read the scary stuff about pregnancy.  I was really looking forward to my doctor appointment on Thursday just to hear Baby K’s heartbeat.  It was canceled however because the doctor was sick.  I suppose that is the downside of going to a small practice.  So now I have to wait another whole week to get in.

For the most part, pregnancy hasn’t been what I thought it would be.  I never really thought about how it would make me feel, internally.  I’ve got this dull ache from time to time reminding me I’m expanding.  I am mentally tallying the foods I eat and the reaction my body has to them.  Today I’m going to try out kiwi.  I’m safe with oranges and grapes now, but different fruit might cause a great bodily reaction of wind and thunder.  One thing I did look forward to was cravings.  I really wanted to crave pickles and ice cream or some odd combo that I can tell stories about in years to come.  “When I was pregnant I craved funnel cakes with salsa!”  But I don’t have cravings.  Sure, before I knew I was prego I lusted after sugar cookies a couple of times…but nothing since.  In fact, going into my second trimester my appetite is supposed to increase.  But nothing really sounds good.  I have to mentally prep myself for each meal and snack, talk myself into it.  I hope that is a phase.

I also didn’t really think about the reaction of people towards me.  I know when my friends and even when my Sista was pregnant they became apart of this unsaid club I was completely unqualified to be apart of.  Now I am a new member and I am learning the ropes.  I am very aware of how I am viewed, literally.  When I see people I haven’t seen in a while I watch for the belly sneak peak.  It makes me uncomfortable, I imagine as uncomfortable as the sneak peaker feels as I watch for it.  It is a natural curiosity after all and now I’ve found that if I immediately put my hand on my belly and make a joke about getting bigger the potential peaker and I don’t have that awkward moment.   Then I’ll just follow it up with a “I’m a size D too!!!” and create an entirely new awkward moment for my enjoyment.

I just wanted to ramble a bit today.  Got a kiwi to try, wish me luck.

3 thoughts on “Is that the baby or gas?”

  1. How was the Kiwi? I haven’t had one of those for quite a while. I’ve been eating a lot of pink grapefruit lately. Anyway, I didn’t really have cravings when I was pregnant either, so that’s one thing we have in common. It is a good thing for you to keep eating right, even when you don’t feel hungry. You have to take care of your health so my grandbaby is nice and healthy! I do have one tip for you…lots of body lotion, every day, all over…that will keep the stretch marks from becoming noticeable later…ok, love ya, bye for now.

  2. yea so your body will stretch no matter what! No matter HOW MANY TIMES i rubbed cocoa butter lotion on my belly everyday at least 3 times a day i still got those damn stretch marks and i hate them since they;re still there!! so BEWARE! Another thing, with the eating I’m pretty sure you can eat most anything you desire. Many people like to be picky and think eating fruits and vegies only will turn the child out good and stuff. Well screw that idea! I went for anything and everything spicy that I could find and ate most anything to that matter! And my boy was born very healthy weight and turned out to be a BIG WHOPPER baby and very smart and extremely healthy for his age and seems to be developing quite nicely! Trust me whatever you put in that tummy of yours will not affect the baby one bit unless you decide to digest some bleach or something!
    Just don’t watch it too much eat like you would normally and beware of those stretch marks that WILL come! and your waist will get wider and not go away!! And breastfeed! natural is better and apparently tastes better according to Adam LOL ;)
    take care and beware of oncoming bigness, people wanting to rub ur tummy and saying you look like your gonna have twins and so on and so forth!!
    Adam and Eve

  3. Jessica Korgie

    Well Momma Eve I appreciate your words of wisdom. No guilt then for grazing on ice cream and Skor bars. I’ll save my pennies when it comes to coco butter as well because if stretch marks are meant to be, then they are meant to be *sigh*. And if I make milk myself somebody better drink it!:)

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