Is there a doctor in the house?… no?… maybe a mystifier then?

I often wonder how people pick what jobs they are going to do the rest of their lives. A lot of times you see someone that has some unusual or interesting career that they want to be when they grow up and they follow through with doing what it takes to get that job. I can say that I have never had that feeling. When people ask what do you want to do when you grow up I always said “uhh I dont know”. Sure I’ve been interested in plenty of things over my life but never in any one thing enough where I wanted to spend every second doing it. I’ve never had that passion for something that would let me get some kind of quirky job that you wouldn’t think was a real or had the desire to get an unbelievable amount of schooling in order to get one of those high paying jobs like doctor or lawyer even though I find medicine and law interesting subjects to learn about on my own. The closest thing I can even recall to having a desire to seek out a particular job was in grade school when me and my friend Kevin were both going to be train engineers. I don’t think that either of us really knew what a engineer actually did. I’m pretty sure it was all about those awesome hats they wore. I’m not sure if Kevin ever realized his dream of becoming a train engineer for Union Pacific. I haven’t seen or heard from him since around 1990 but I hope he made it… I really really do…

Comon now, get serious. Who the hell wants to work for the railroad? That’s just one of those jobs that you somehow end up at because it pays pretty good and you’ve got bills. Not that much different from ending up working at the airport. No no no we need something more exciting. A couple of years ago after the Europe trip I considered applying to be a waiter at the place we stayed at in Germany. I would have gotten jack shit wages and jack shit tips from all the cheap ass military people and had to live in a dorm but damn it would be fun to live in Europe for a while. I feel like I’m too old to do anything like that though. That seems like something you’d do right out of high school or something before life starts to beat you down and keeps you from doing anything fun. You can only do things like that when you are naive and immature. Responsible people don’t do crap like that. Kasey says I should be a mystifier like David Blane. Now I admit that mystifying would be a sweet gig. You get to hang out with freaky people like midgets, amputees or whatever who have lots of piercings and tattoos. Not to mention the fact that hot chicks are all over the mystifiers. I think that it would be a pretty tough racket to get into though. You would most likely need to move to Las Vegas so you could start out with some small shows or something at the shitty casinos that aren’t on the strip. I really don’t see a market for it in middle America other than using your mystifying skills to pickpocket unsuspecting hicks. I suppose you could make a nice living at for a while until they figured out that it was the guy hanging out with the tattooed midget amputee who keeps robbing everyone.

Enough of letting the mind wander for tonight. Today is my brother Pat’s birthday. Well technically it was yesterday but the days kind of blend together after a few 16 hour days in a row. Anyway happy 20th birthday bro. (i didn’t get you anything).

I got those solid tubes for my bike all put in last night so I can ride again. They were kind of a pain in the ass to put in, well actually only the first one was since of course I didn’t follow the directions. The second one went in a lot easier. I rode it around real quick this morning to test out the ride and they seem to ride about the same. I can’t tell if they feel a little heavier or if I just think they feel heavier because of the fact that I am aware that they are a little heavier. Oh well, no more flat tires.

6 thoughts on “Is there a doctor in the house?… no?… maybe a mystifier then?”

  1. A “mystifier”. Thats the ticket. Now you just need to find your entourage too. Thats where to start. Pretty soon you will have mystifying powers to coerce young models into your clan too. What could be better. Models, midgets, amputees, who would be better to role with downtown “mystifying” people on the streets. You owe me one.

  2. Yeah, what your cousin said. Your a “mystifier” in training, there is going to be ups and downs, but unleash that inner beast in you, you are young.
    I’ll take you to Europe again, that was a blast.

  3. The Coolest Cousin

    I think you keep forgetting one thing YOU ARE YOUNG!!!!! You are talking like some old fart who’s in his 60’s. You can run around Europe and act like you 17 still. Sometimes a little irresponsibility is what you need and it sounds like you need a healthy dose. Don’t forget to take care of the child inside you, who cares what people think.

  4. I always tell people I want to be a firetruck when I grow up. Glad to see more posts on here Steve. Can I be your tattooed freak guy?

  5. Man I wish I could be a firetruck… that just takes too much schooling, plus the water is so heavy to carry around on your back…

    Jason you can be my tattooed freak guy. Normally I would want someone who is an amputee of some kind but I’ll let it slide since you messed up your hand a few years back. I’m sure if you look at it at the right angle it looks funny. Just play it up though with some sort of limp or something because the mystifier has to be the most normal one in the group.

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