It never ends…

Little things going wrong I mean. Tonight it was my 80 gig 5th generation iPod video deciding to poop the bed and die on the way to work. Hard drive failure. Could have been the fact that I kinda dropped it a little shortly before I left for work. Yea, I’m completely positive that was it. It sucks though, if I want to replace it with something that has enough space to hold all my music it’s going to cost about $250. Ouch. I definitely don’t have that right now. Things are going to be really tight in January since I had to pay more for tuition this time around. I’m taking more classes than I normally do in an effort to accelerate my graduation date a little and the cost really hurts when you pay out of pocket and have no loans or anything. I’m almost going full time this upcoming semester. I can’t really remember what classes I’m taking right off the top of my head, it’s all elective stuff not really related to my degree but I figured I would try saving some more of the degree focused stuff in hopes that my work will reinstate it’s tuition assistance sometime in the future. The management related classes are easier to get through the system to get reimbursed than something like say… music appreciation. I’m digressing a little bit here. Anyway, I need something to use while I’m training to listen to so I went looking for an iPod shuffle. I just got one of the small square ones for Jessica not that long ago that didn’t cost all that much so I went to go get myself one of those. Nope, discontinued. Now they have the 3rd generation ones out that talk to you and have no controls on them. If you want to do things like, oh I don’t know, pause it or turn up the volume you have to use the included Apple brand headphones. You’ve got to be kidding me. Don’t get me wrong, the Apple headphones are very pretty and all but they just don’t work for me. I can’t stand having to jam headphones inside my ears, and even when I do when I’m running along and sweating my ass off they always end up falling out. What happened to the old school ones that go over your head and don’t go inside your ears at all and instead sit on top of your ears? I’ve seen them but usually they are so cheap that they break getting them out of the package. I ended up buying one of the older 2nd generation 2gb shuffles off of ebay for $50. The guy must not have checked the other auctions because if he did he would have seen that the prices for them are going for much more than that. Must be a lot of people like me driving up the price that won’t use the new version because they have to use the included headphones. Down the road when I have a little more cash I will pick up a 240 gig hard drive replacement for the old iPod. It costs just as much as a brand new one but when I’m done it will have 80 gigs more space than the largest current model. Nice.

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