It was me… my bad.


On a different note, how hard is it for a semi intelligent person such as myself to come up with a solution to keeping the sun from burning holes through my eyelids while trying to sleep during the day? Apparently I’m dumber than I look. First I bought some “blackout curtains”. There was only one set left at the store. Sweet that’s all I need! They worked great except for the 3 inches on both ends of the window that they didn’t cover up.


Well I’ll put up black trash bag over the window taped up all nice and neat until I go back and find another matching set of blackout curtains. That worked great when I lived here last time plus it had the added benefit of sealing up the drafty window over the winter. Hmm this window gets direct sunlight unlike the last apartment. Black traps heat. Dammit the venetian blind melted from the intense heat.


Ok it’s all good, I’ll just go back to the other Wal-mart on the rich side of town and find another set of blackout curtains to match the ones I’ve already got and also some new venetian blinds. Hmm they don’t carry them at all. Rich people don’t need blackout curtains because only poor people do shift work and have to sleep during the day.


It’s all good, I’ll just get these black curtains that are thick fabric. They will be on the other side of the blinds unlike the plastic I put up before so the blinds won’t Melt again. I’ll get 2 sets this time so I don’t make the same mistake and not have enough to cover the window like the other ones. This will work out great. But wait, what the hell These don’t match! One set is 63 inches long and one set is 83 inches! STUPID ASS IGNORANT FUCK WALMART WORKERS CANT PUT THINGS ON THE RIGHT HOOK ON THE SHELF! THEY’VE GOT TO TO MIX THEM ALL UP LIKE IGNORANT FUCKTARDS!


Back all the way across town again to get another set of 63 inch long black curtains. You know what. They all work great now! It’s nice and dark in there so I can get some sleep in the daytime. They look ok I guess, I wouldn’t have normally gone with black but they are more for function than looks. Well everyone have a great day like I did!

5 thoughts on “It was me… my bad.”

  1. Shit.

    I never even thought of that. I was actually going for more of a thing where I would open them up when I wasn’t sleeping. Then I could lay around nude while watching tv and give the ladies out walking their dogs something to dream about later.

  2. Mr. McDonald is on the right track. I’ve got about 5 cents worth of tin foil taped to my window. It looks ghetto from the outside, but I’m on the inside and I don’t see it behind the blinds/curtains. It also reflects heat. I thought the blackout curtains were too expensive, personally.

  3. Seriously though I was looking for a solution where I could actually open them up when I wasn’t sleeping since I do enjoy light every once and a while even though I only get to see it for a couple hours a day now that it’s dark a 5pm. Plus I don’t think the apartment managers would let me get away with the ghetto tinfoil on the windows look.

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