It’s a baby all right.

Nothing much new to say here, we went and got another ultrasound Thursday and are putting up the video and photos for the people who wish to see that sort of thing. I liked #1 and #2 the best. The baby and mama are doing well.

Only one 3D photo, he didn’t want to cooperate and was hiding his face a little bit.

Happy birthday to meeee, happy birthday to meeee, I look like a monkeyyy and smell like one tooooo. 34 years old. I don’t feel that old, not mentally anyway. It’s pretty sweet that I got my birthday in the day before the rapture… I get to spend that day in baby making class. Hopefully I get to see some people getting raptured and whacking themselves on the ceiling as they head up. Has anyone seen all the businesses popping up taking money to care for people’s pets after the rapture happens? Wish I had thought of that…

1 thought on “It’s a baby all right.”

  1. I can see already that the baby has that Korgie nose! Anyway, 34 years old isn’t that old…wait till you go another 20 years…just raising a child will make you feel a lot older than that at times, but you’ll do fine. After all, you had all that practice babysitting your little brothers (maybe I shouldn’t use that as an example huh?). I can’t help looking forward to another grandchild, because we’ll all probably still be here after tomorrow anyway, right? For those people who think they’re getting raptured tomorrow, good for them but I hope the person driving towards me in the other lane tomorrow doesn’t fly up out of their window and let their car just go crashing into me…please pull your car over to the side before you fly away, k?

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